Cooch and the Cuckoos and the Cloaking Device 0
The message clearly stung.
“Some people will do anything for 30 pieces of silver,” Chris LaCivita, a strategist for Cuccinelli, tweeted.
That bid to undermine Marcus’ credibility, the continual smearing of anyone who dares to disagree, is indicative of the general approach taken by Cuccinelli’s primary and general-election campaigns. And it’s counterproductive.
Virginia values an appearance of gentility, even amongst the most decidedly un-genteel.
What distinguised The Regent* from many of his like-minded politicos is that he knew how to behave in public, to create an appearance of reasonableness even as he promoted the unreasonable.
Cooch and the Cuckoos lack the Regent’s cloaking device.
With them, the crazy is always out front.
*Proponent of state-mandated penetration of women with devices, something not quite genteel.