New Jersey Is Closed 0
Which leads to two questions:
Will anyone notice? and (the question from my friend whose daughter lives in New York City)
Does that mean there won’t be any tolls on the New Jersey Turnpike?
All joking aside, I tip my hat to Corzine. He’s beholden to no one, has no further political ambition, and is calling the bluff of the legislature, which, like Congress, is afraid to step up to the plate and–er–legislate for the good of the state and of its citizens.
New Jersey has been pursuing the same spend-and-spend policies as the current Federal Administration, but it does not have the luxury of being able to keep printing money as long as the supplies of paper hold out.
Mr. Corzine may go down in flames after this, but I honor him for expecting the state government to, well golly gosh gee, Batman, govern.