Trump’s Chumps 2
In an excellent editorial yesterday, the Roanoke Times editorial board tried to understand the appeal of Donald Trump, in particular, why some persons think that he’s a “strong” leader.* Here’s a bit:
It’s always hard to separate style from substance when it comes to people’s political views, but is it possible that there is something about Trump’s mere style that conveys strength?
*In my view, he’s seen as “strong” for the same reasons that A Christmas Story’s Scut Farkus was seen as strong.
January 6, 2016 at 2:43 pm
Everybody’s doin’ the Dictator Shuffle now. I even saw the tone of The Turner Diaries mentioned in the New York Times today in connection with the Trump demographic. Dictators show the undesirables the door, or worse. Dictators are big on revenge. Dictators believe in the armored fist. There is lots of love for dictators in Americans.
January 7, 2016 at 12:23 am
The Know-Nothings are still with us. And today they know even less.
Hofstadter was right and those who ignore him do so at their peril.