Light on Lumos 0
At Science 2.0, Brandon T. Bisceglia tries to shed some light on Lumosity. Reacting to the FTC’s levying a significant penalty against Lumos Labs, Inc, Lumosity’s owner, for false advertising clams, he takes a critical look at that advertising.
He is not impressed.
A snippet:
The company has long used scientific terms in a dubious manner to increase its cred among potential customers.
But Lumosity’s pitch goes beyond this (that is, in the vernacular, that practice makes perfect–ed.). Its central argument is that its regimen of simple games is broadly transferable to other skills, and that those games are better than other forms of activity.
Seen in this light, the company has a tougher row to hoe. In real life, we don’t suggest that learning to ride a bike will make you better at driving a car.
If you want to learn to drive a car, you drive a car.
Full Disclosure: I got no dog in this hunt.