From Pine View Farm

Opening the Windows to Assimilation 1

Welcome to the Microborg.

The strategy is quite simple, really. Microsoft wants to turn your computer into the functional equivalent of a cell phone–something you can use, but cannot control, even as it phones home about your every action.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    May 24, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    I have a continuing annoyance with Windows and my made-in-China laptop. I’ll hook up a device that takes video and audio through one of the US ports and have the card in it mounted as a drive. The idea, obviously, to copy the video files to the pc. I give the command to “move” them to a videos directory on the PC and instead it uploads them to my Microsoft account in the cloud.

    At first I thought it was deleting them because I couldn’t find the things. Then I really got annoyed when I noticed there on Microsoft’s OneDrive.