From Pine View Farm

Culture Warriors category archive

A Notion of Immigrants 0

A Texas judge who was dealing with immigration case decided to visit the Texas-Mexico border. What he found was not what we’re being told. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:

What I saw in the courtroom fueled my desire to go to see it for myself. What I found was astonishingly different from the chaos often portrayed in the media and in legal circles. I saw a border that was secure, with helicopters patrolling and law enforcement officers working in an orderly process. Migrants waited for months in Mexican border towns for their turn to legally enter, going through extensive screenings, interviews and sponsor verifications. To call them “illegals” is not only misleading but dismisses the effort and legality of their actions.

Follow the link for some of the lessons he learned.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Field decodes de code.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Clearly, if we don’t talk about America’s original sin of chattel slavery, then it must not have happened.

Because that’s the way history works.


Suffer the Children 0

It’s a Republican family value.

Donald,  holding a club:  I want to start this new mandaate by sending a clear message about how brave and powerful I am.  Out-of-Frame Voice:  Great.  Should we bring you Putin them?  Trump:  What?  No.  Voice:  China.  Trump:  No.  Voice:  Iran?  Trump:  No.  Any other dictatorship?  Trump:  No. . . . Bring me a few brown kids from their school.

Click for the original image.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Will Bunch heard a chilling rhyme. A snippet (emphasis added):

Just eight days into Trump’s second term, the terror is real, not just for the hundreds who’ve been handcuffed but for the many more feeling the same impulses as Anne Frank and her family once did, to disappear from view. “Almost nobody is sending their kids [to school] in case they’re taken,” a fearful Venezuelan mother named Amanda, in a New York City shelter, told a reporter for The City. In California’s Kern County, the annual citrus harvest has ground to a halt because migrant farmworkers have already stopped showing up.

The irony of all of this — good people cowering in their attics, praying to avoid getting cuffed and shipped thousands of miles away by camouflage-wearing soldiers — happening on Holocaust Remembrance Day is almost unbearable.


*Mark Twain.


Karen, Meet Karma 0

When someone’s actions say one thing, but their words say another, believe the actions.

(Warning: Short promo about at about the two-and-a-half minute mark.)


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

On this, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Andy Tix hears a number of disturbing rhymes.

Follow the link for rendition thereof.


*Mark Twain.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

At the Washington Monthly, Garrett Epps dissects the duplicity implicit in Donald Trump’s attempt to despotically single-handedly amend the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Here’s a tiny bit of his article:

For most of us on the sidelines, the outstanding feature of Trump’s order is its cruelty—its deliberate targeting of babies born after February 19, 2025, rendering them stateless and ineligible for the benefits of citizenship most native-born Americans take for granted. Think like a judge, however: from that point of view, the striking defect of the order is simply the crushing weight of legal authority that it purports to sweep aside.

Follow the link for more about a judge’s perspective.


The Party of Flaw and Disorder 0

At the Des Moines Register, Rekha Basu looks at Donald Trump’s first actions in office and decodes de code (emphasis added):

Amnesty and pardons were given to some 1,600 people who answered his call to protest the 2020 election results — the ones he referred to as “J.6 hostages.” Some members of white nationalist groups Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, others unaffiliated, they’d stormed the Capitol illegally, in some cases violently. Trump freed them.

At the other end was Trump’s order to dispatch thousands of military troops to the southern border to keep out migrants.

The message: Breach boundaries for me and you’re fine. Do it because you’re fleeing violence or persecution, and we’ll set the troops on you.

Follow the link for the rest of her remarks.


A Tune for the Times 0


Republican Family Values 0

Donald Trummp dressed as Pontius Pilate with Christ's cross looming in the background says,

Click to view the original image.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Rhymes”* 0

Michael in Norfolk hears a most disturbing rhyme.

I continue to feel as if I am caught in a nightmare where America is time traveling to early 1930’s Germany.

Follow the link to find out why he feels that way.


*Mark Twain.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

SFgate’s Drew Magary explains why he deleted his account at Twitter X.


The Rule of Lawless 0

Thom comments on Trump’s pardon of his violence-prone fanboys the January 6th insurrectionists.

This topic was also discussed in somewhat more detail on Thursday’s episode of The Bob Cesca Show.

I have listened to Bob’s podcast almost since its beginning–certainly since its first year–and commend it to your attention.


A Questioning of Identity 0

The stupid. It burns.

The hate. It rages.


Republican Family Values 0

Jesus stands on the Mount saying,

Image via Michael in Norfolk, who has commentary.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

You can’t make this stuff up.

Words fail me.


Republican Family Values 0

Yet another exhibit in the pile of evidence that mean for the sake of mean is a Republican family value.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0


Signings of the Times, Rule of Lawless Dept. 0

I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say that, if Donald Trump thinks he can single-handedly amend the Constitution by executive order, the rule of law may be on shaky ground under his sewership.

Along those lines,’s Roy S. Johnson looks at Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day executive order signature spasm and finds himself less than impressed. A snippet:

I’m not sure any single signature made us better — let alone great.

He renamed a body of water and a mountain (snore); contradicted his own “efficiency” quest by ordering all federal workers into the office; poured white-out over all references to diversity, equity and inclusion in the federal government, resuscitated the government-sanctioned murder (the death penalty); did a Simone Biles-backflip with TikTok; yanked us from vital international organizations; tried to pour more white-out on the birthright constitutional amendment; and pen-swiped a lot of jargon-salad decrees declaring “protection,” “America first,” and various “emergencies” allowing him potentially to weaponize the U.S. military against, well, any of us.
