False Idols category archive
Republican Thought Police 0
Now they’re coming for art shows.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Fomenting the phony. Well, maybe just a bit. From El Reg:
This trend suggests that many self-proclaimed thought leaders on LinkedIn may be presenting AI-generated content as their own profound insights.
Much more at the link.
Speaking of the land of the me-me-me . . . .
The Cult of Poisonality 0
Michael in Norfolk has a few questions about the Trump and his cultists.
Follow the link for context.
Establishmentarians 0
E. J. Montini finds an irony in Arizona Republicans’ desire to post the Ten Commandments in public schools:
Follow the link for context.
Establishmentarians 0
What Jesus is not reported to have said, but what they believe:
Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, by force if necessary.
Devolution 0
Via C&L.
Establishmentarians Establishing Establishmentarianism 0
Thom talks with Tim Alberta about his new book, The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory: American Evangelicals In An Age of Extremism.
Misdiagnosis 0
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Originalist Sin 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock skewers the sophistry of “Constitutional Originalist.”
The Disinformation Superduper Highway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, The Open Minds Foundation takes a lot at the potential effects of AI-generated dis- and misinformation on the internet. They conclude that internet users need to exercise more critical thinking skills, even as they seem to be exercising less (or is it fewer?).
Here’s a tiny bit from their article; I urge you to read the rest.
The Europol report continues with a stark warning: “On a daily basis, people trust their own perception to guide them and tell them what is real and what is not… Auditory and visual recordings of an event are often treated as a truthful account of an event. But what if these media can be generated artificially, adapted to show events that never took place, to misrepresent events, or to distort the truth?”
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The Learning and Implicit Processes Lab at Ghent University takes a look at the current state of ChatGPT (and Large Language Models in general) and concludes (emphasis added):
It was not designed to be generally intelligent (i.e., capable of flexibly adapting to novel situations or problems), and it isn’t. Still, it gives us the illusion of intelligence because it mimics intelligent human language.
Follow the link for their reasoning.
Legends in Their Own Minds 0
Methinks Atrios is onto something.
Artificial Intelligence? 0
ChatGTP is getting a lot of play lately. It even made an appearance in my local rag’s comics page.
Before mucking about with it, I suggest that you listen to Harry Shearer’s interview with Gary Marcus on the January 1, 2023, edition of Le Show; the relevant portion starts at about the 20 minute mark. Also read this from Bruce Schneier’s website.
Taking Bread 0
Speaking of doing unto others . . . .
The Crypto Con 0
Paul Krugman skewers the central myth of cryptocurrency. A couple of snippets (emphasis added):
(Snip ahead to now)
. . . .cryptocurrencies are largely purchased through exchanges such as Coinbase and, yes, FTX, which take your money and hold crypto tokens in your name.
These exchanges are — wait for it — financial institutions, whose ability to attract investors depends on — wait for it again — those investors’ trust. In other words, the crypto ecosystem has basically evolved into exactly what it was supposed to replace: a system of financial intermediaries whose ability to operate depends on their perceived trustworthiness.