From Pine View Farm

Geek Stuff category archive

It’s All about the Algorithm, Disinformation Superhighway Dept. 0

Image of words

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Facebook Frolics 0

Zeynep Tufekci offers a theory as to why Mark Zuckerberg seems to have thrown his lot in with Donald Trump (while simultaneously getting rid of fact-checking). Here’s the gist:

Zuckerberg told (podaster Joe–ed.) Rogan that “one of the things that I’m optimistic about with President Trump is I think he just wants America to win.” And then he got to the heart of the matter: He suggested that Trump use the power of the U.S. government to defend Meta abroad — for instance, from the huge fines that the European Union has imposed on it for violating data privacy and antitrust rules.

Follow the link for context.


Have You Been Assimilated by the Zuckerborg?
Do You Want To Free Yourself?

My friend got a message yesterday from a friend informing her that said friend was leaving Facebook “because facts matter.”

Coincidentally, this appeared in my feeds:

the EFF offers some pointers as to how to dis-assimilate oneself from the Zuckerborg.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Truthful? Let Beloit professor Robin Zebrowski answer that:

. . . AI has no concept of truth.

Follow the link for the context of that statement.


The Crypto Con 0

He says it came to him in a dream, which, methinks, is a fancy way of saying he dreamed it up.


The Crypto Con 0

You may dig it (if you do, know that you’ve been conned), but, per a British court ruling, this guy can’t.

Via El Reg, which has more about crypto cons.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Thirsty? Like a bear waking up from hibernation.


Facebook Frolics 0

Sam and the crew dissect the dissimulations of the digital despot.

The EFF also has–er–qualms after a second reading of the Zuckerborg’s new policy. A bit from their post:

(W)e became aware that rather than addressing those historically over-moderated subjects, Meta was taking the opposite tack and—as reported by the Independent—was making targeted changes to its hateful conduct policy that would allow dehumanizing statements to be made about certain vulnerable groups.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


The Crypto Cons 0

Yes, it appears that there’s more than one.

Via Balloon Juice, Bluesky user “jon of the north” talks taxonomy and offers a classification of the cons.


Facebook Frolics 0

Shorter Mark Zuckerberg: Facts schmacks.

Here’s a bit from the CNN report:

“Fact checkers have been too politically biased and have destroyed more trust than they’ve created,” Zuckerberg said in a video announcing the new policy Tuesday. “What started as a movement to be more inclusive has increasingly been used to shut down opinions and shut out people with different ideas, and it’s gone too far.”

Zuckerberg, however, acknowledged a “tradeoff” in the new policy, noting more harmful content will appear on the platform as a result of the content moderation changes.

Methinks “politically biased” in the passage above is Zuckerspeak for “keep calling out right-wing lies,” but that’s just me.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Competent to draft a legal filing? You must be high on your own supply.


Broadcasters of Blather on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, asks a (rhetorical) question (emphasis on the original):

Admittedly I am not an avid Facebook user. But, on the few occasions I have dipped into some articles posted by a connection, I have been left wondering: Why on Earth did they repost this?

Follow the link for her thoughts on the answer, and, remember, “social” media isn’t.


Yeah, I know that they don’t call it “Psychology Today Blogs” anymore, but I continue to use the term to distinguish individuals’ blog posts from the magazine’s articles.


The Rabbit Hole 0

Boy:  I saw a story on the internet about a man who eats metal.  Girl:  I'm skeptical of everything on the internet.  I don't automatically believe something that I see on the internet first.  I do my own research.  Boy:  Where to you do the research.  Girl:  On the internet.

Click to view the original image.


A Bum Steer 0

A Tesla on “auto-pilot” goes off on track.


Facebook Makes Plans To Become Fakebook As If It Weren’t Already 0

The ‘intelligence” may be artificial, but the stupid is real.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

The dialog: How about your night watchman?

The closed caption: How about your knife watchman?

The artificial intelligence: Shall we say, not as sharp as a knife?


Extra-Special Bonus QOTD 0

Leo Chavez and Dan Simmons:

It’s not artificial intelligence. . . . It’s enhanced automation.

The relevent discussion takes place at about the one hour 20 minute mark.

(And, yeah, I”m behind on some the podcasts I regularly listen to.)


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

PoliticalProf gave Google’s AI a try.

He was not impressed.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

The dialog: I don’t really know the origins of this.

The closed caption: I don’t really know the oranges of this.

The oranges: Nonexistent.

The words: They fail me.

(By the way, follow the link and watch the episode. It’s grab bag of miscellany, as David responds to comments.)


Influencer idiocy 0

The stupid.

It burns.

And we are again reminded that “social” media isn’t.
