Health and Sanity category archive
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Writing at Psychology Today Blogs, Mary McNaughton-Cassill recounts two experiences she had recently when health insurance “AI” bots turned down her claims because, well, they thought they were smarter than her doctors.
Here’s a tiny bit:
It is a distressing read, but methinks a worthwhile one. Go decide for yourself.
Automating greed does not make it less greedy.
Medicare Disadvantage 0
When I qualified for Medicare (yeah, I’m old), I made sure to get traditional Medicare, because even back then [mumble] years ago, I knew that “Medicare Advantage” was little more than a con and a scam designed to let insurance companies suckle at the public teat.
And, speaking of insurance companies . . . .
Vaccine Nation 0
The editorial board of the Tampa Bay Times notes that, as more and more persons are falling for lies about vaccination (politely referred to as “vaccine hesitancy”), measles cases are increasing. (I can still remember suffering from measles when I was a young ‘un, before the vaccines came along, and mumps, which is much more serious in adults than in children, nearly killed my parents when I was a pre-schooler.)
The Times offers a simple bit of advice:
Follow the link for the complete editorial, where they point the finger of blame squarely at those who propagate this stupid.
We have over two centuries of proof, starting with the smallpox vaccine, that vaccines work.
Unfortunately, we have no vaccine against stupid.
Vaccine Nation 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, psychology professor Ronald Riggio looks at the flawed reasoning which can lead persons to spurn vaccination, despite three centuries of history starting with the smallpox vaccine that prove vaccines work.
He offers three bits of advice; follow the link for an exploration of each one.
- When deciding about vaccinations or health interventions, rely on trusted scientific sources.
- Avoid the common psychological biases that lead to poor decisions about your health.
- Our limited experiences are prone to bias and error because we cannot see the bigger picture.
Vaccine Nation 0
Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against stupid.
Vampire Capitalists 0
Rebecca Watson warns that hedge funds are coming for your medical care.
Or you can read the transcript.
Medicare Disadvantage 0
Over at Delaware Liberal, retired Delaware State Representative John Kowalko explains in detail why Medicare Part C, also called “Medicare Advantage,” is a con and a scam less desirable alternative than traditional Medicare (Medicare Parts A and B, plus a “stopgap” policy).
If you or someone you care about is using or considering using “Medicare Advantage,” the post is well worth a read.
Vaccine Nation 0
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier comments on Florida Man’s losing a suit about propagating mis- and disinformation about the severity of the COVID pandemic in Florida. Here’s a couple of snippets; follow the link for the details.
The new method made it appear the virus was instead declining just as DeSantis was running for a second term for governor and keeping no secrets about his White House ambitions.
All of this could be sloughed off as common Floridian slapstickery if it weren’t for, you know, all the dying.
Vaccine Nation 0
PoliticalProf cites (in)credible sources that lead him to express a concern that he may have become zombiefied by yesterday’s emergency alert test.
Y’know, he may be onto something. It’s pretty clear that something is eating away (some of) this country’s brains.
(I also got the alert. I guess I’m a zombie too.)