Masters of the Universe category archive
The Crypto Con in This New Gilded Age 0
Here’s the lede, via Truthout. Follow the link for the details
Not that those pushing crypto might have any ulterior motives . . . .
No Place To Hide 0
There’s a reason internet companies make their terms of service virtually unreadable.
It enables stuff like this.
This New Gilded Age 0
SFgate’s Drew Magary minces few words about our new robber barons.
The Entitlement Society 0
Boy, if this isn’t a manifestation of the entitlement society, I don’t know what is.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
You just might fall to the ground go Bo(e)ing! Bo(e)ing!
At The Seattle Times, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks look at what went wrong at Boeing. A snippet:
Follow the link for their reasoning.
And, in more news of the fiendly skies . . . .
Digital Security Theatre 0
Bruce Schneir thinks that the efforts to ban TikTok, which seems to be the new “in” thing in the West, miss the point. A snippet:
The entire article is worth a read.
Twits Who Would Own Twitter 0
SFGate’s Drew Magary phones it in.
Phoning It In 0
At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal, whose job involves dealing with health insurance companies, describes dealing with “customer service” robots.
If you’ve ever spent 45 minutes or an hour trying to get through to a real live human being, only to be disconnected (thank you, land line telephone company), you will be able to empathize with her. Here’s a bit.
Exports 0
At The Roanoke Times, Nancy Liebrecht reminds us that American manufacturing jobs didn’t go overseas on their own.
Carrion Crows 0
Shirley Smith describes how a private equity firm purchased her employer, a long-established Detroit furniture retailer, picked its bones clean, than cast it and its employees aside.
It is a chilling tale of greed and rapacity.
How Far Will Wells Fargo? 0
I was banking at Wells Fargo because Wells gobbled up the bank that gobbled up the bank that I was banking at.
Moving a bank account is a hassle, especially if you have set up automatic payments, but I left Wells when the “creating fake accounts” scandal broke five years ago and am glad I did.