From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

Taylor Mad 0

Along the same lines, Sam and his crew take a look at the right-wing’s Taylor Swift freak out.


A Critique of Poor Reason 0

At the Kansas City Star, Melinda Henneberger takes on what may be the looniest right-wing conspiracy theory since pizzagate: That the Kansas City Chiefs and Taylor Swift tools of Joe Biden. She wonders

. . . But how will Chiefs Kingdom push back against the slander that their wins aren’t real?

I think you will find her article a worthy and entertaining read.


Cooked Books 0


Have Cake, Eat It Too 0

Business Insider cites examples of Republican congresspersons voting against appropriation bills, then boasting to their constituents about the appropriations. In at least of them, the Congressperson in questions claims not to recall voting against the bill in the first place.

A snippet:

It’s part of a broader pattern of what Democrats have dubbed “vote no, take the dough” — Republicans bragging about or celebrating government funding or other programs that they actually opposed when it was up for a vote.


Sick Daze 0


The “Elite” Misdirection Play 0

Michael in Norfolk conjugates the con.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

The Majority Report crew points out that refugees fleeing for their lives and safety are not “invaders” and call out Texas’s attempt to secede, if not de jure, at least de facto to violate the Constitution.


A Question of Identity 0


In the Teeth of the Evidence 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Glenn Geher explores the psychology behind “doubling down,” that is, the human tendency to cling to a false belief even after it’s been conclusively and decisively disproved.

Given that our politics are currently poisoned by the Clown Prince of Double Downers, methinks you will find his piece a worthwhile read.


The Oathbreaker 0

An MSNBC panel discusses Donald Trump’s claim that he did not take an oath to “support” the Constitution, only to “preserve, protect, and defend” it. (How “preserve, protect, and defend” does not mean “support” defies me, as it does them.)

They also discuss the various ways in which our current Supreme Supremacist Court may try to weasel out of confronting the core issue.


All the News that Fits 0

Man leans out of TV screen labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Trickle On Economics 0

Robert Reich follow the money.

Or you can read the transcript.


Russian Impulses 0

Thom talks with Heidi Siegmund Cuda about the mechanics of Russian interference in the 2016 election via the Disinformation Superhighway.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0

GOP Elephant stands before a poster of Janury 6 rioters storming the Capitol saying,

Click for the original image.


A Tune for the Times 0

From the Youtube page:

This week, at a rally, Donnie Bonespurs (aka, Donald Trump) bravely attacked the late John McCain, showing Donnie is scared of no one, at least no one who is dead or severely handicapped. Bonespurs cleverly belittled McCain to his adoring crowd of morons and sycophants, by making fun of how McCain couldn’t even lift his arms (debilitated by years of torture by the North Vietnamese) to vote against gutting Obamacare, having to resort to a very unmanly thumbs down. The heroic Bonespurs, said to write his own brilliant comedy material, showed his followers again that there are no depths to which he will not go to endear himself to a roomful of unpatriotic rubes.

Proud Bonespurs admirer, Falcon E. DeEtte was so impressed by Bonespurs’ fearless assault on a dead war hero, that he wrote this song.


All the News that Fits 0

Thom discusses the explosion 0f “pink slime”–that is, political propaganda masquerading as newspapers and newspaper websites. He also points out that this is a peculiarly right-wing phenomenon (that part starts at about the six minute mark and is well worth a listen).


The True Believer 0

What became of “old enough to know better”?


Vaccine Nation 0

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against stupid.


All the News that Fits 0

In the midst of a longer post about the who-shot-john over Green Day’s having the unmitigated gall to express a political opinion, Vixen Strangely states an obvious truth–one which, like many obvious truths, is too seldom remarked on–and states it very well.

Fox News talking heads are not political analysts. They are propagandists.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Farron discusses a Fox News reporter who called out a right-wing lie. (Yeah, I know, but stranger things have happened.)
