From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

Vaccine Nation 0

Writing at the Tampa Bay Times, pediatrician Shetal Shah find the recent uptick in the number of measles cases in the U. S. to be quite alarming. Here’s a bit of his piece:

Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, measles outbreaks have reemerged in various parts of the country, magnified by factors such as misinformation, complacency and pockets of under-vaccinated populations. Though public health and immunology are sciences rigorously taught in medical school, politicians have replaced professors, fueling public vaccine hesitancy for political gain. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found the percentage of Republicans who believe they should decide if their children are vaccinated — even if failing to do so harms other children — more than doubled to 44% in the last five years.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini dissects the debunking of some Muskrat bunk.


Suffer the Children 0

Farron discusses Republicans’ opposition to Joe Biden’s attempt to help poor students get out from under crushing student loan debt.

I think not enough attention is paid to skyrocketing college tuition costs.

Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un, my parents were able to pay my and my brother’s college tuition bills. Now, my parents were not rich, but they were relatively well off, and the college bills were within their reach.

By the time my kids were ready for college, we and they had to take out loans. The tuition was not within our reach.

These days, college tuition seems to be beyond the reach of all but the most wealthy.

It’s probably my cynical nature, but I can’t help but suspect there is something hinky about how the increase in tuition cost has outstripped the pace of inflations..


Freedom of Screech 0

Above the Law reports that, following Donald Trump’s attacks on the families of various court personnel, including Judge Merchan’s daughter, Trump’s gag order has been extended to include said family members, but that

Trump continued to insist that it’s his First Amendment right to rain terror down on his enemies . . . .

Details at the link.


Republican Family Values 0

At Above the Law, Liz Dye follows the money.


The Rule of Flaw 0

At the Hartford Courant, attorneys Kenneth Laska and Michael Jainchill argue that Donald Trump poses a clear and present danger to the concept of the rule of law. A snippet:

Theodore Roosevelt called the office of the president “The Bully Pulpit,” not a “Pulpit for a Bully.” All our former presidents, except for Donald Trump, understood their duty to the people was to lead by example and show proper deference to the institutions of our democracy. They understood one may disagree with a decision without vilifying the decision maker and the system.

Imagine any other civil or criminal litigant making the slanderous and dangerous public statements that Donald Trump has made about the judges and court personnel involved in the civil and criminal cases brought against him. Anyone else would be reprimanded, chastised or found in contempt of court. Donald Trump’s unwarranted assault on the court system gives others permission to disregard and disrespect the courts in future matters. This cannot be allowed to continue.


The Eastman Codex 0

Farron looks at a California judge’s ruling that Trump lawyer John Eastman should be disbarred. He starts by noting that the ruling does not disbar John Eastman; rather, that is up the the Bar Association. Nevertheless, the ruling has implications for Donald Trump, as Farron explains.


The Privatization Scam 0

At the Inky, Joshua M. Cowen debunks the school voucher bunk. A snippet:

As an expert on school vouchers, I think about the idea of what’s promised in the rhetoric vs. what actually happens when the real cost sets in. To hear voucher lobbyists tell it — usually working for billionaires like Betsy DeVos, or Pennsylvania’s own Jeff Yass — all that’s needed to move American education forward is a fully privatized market of school choice, where parents are customers and education is the product.

As I testified to Pennsylvania lawmakers last fall, however, vouchers are the education equivalent of predatory lending.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini explains how Trumpette election denier Kari Lake has hoisted herself on her own petard.


“It’s Coming from Inside the House” 0

Thom talks with Sabrina Haake, who argues that Fox News ia far less trustworthy than TiKTok.


Crushing the Jordan 0


The Backfire This Time 0

Republican Elephant standing behind a cannon labeled

Click to view the original image.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0

Cruz spews.


The Privatization Scam 0

Title:  Georgia Republicans' School Voucher Plan.  Image:  Public schools suffering in a hospital bed while transfusion of dollars goes into arm of man labeled

Click to view the original image.


Republican Thought Police 0

At, Kyle Whitmore reports on the Autauga-Prattville Library Board, which fired the library directory and now can’t get its story straight about why.


Drivel to Destruction 0

Take the quiz.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts looks at Kari Lake and Mike Lindell’s latest attempt to resuscitate their failed attempt to overthrow Arizona’s 2020 presidential vote count and concludes that there’s no there there.


Misting Water-Colored Memories of the Way We Were 0

Frame One:  Katie Britt says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Q. Why didn’t she say “four years ago,” when Donald Trump was still in office.

A. Because she knew the answer.


Vaccine Nation, Quack Quack Quack Dept. 0


When They Played Their Charade . . . 0

. . . they were like children posing.*


*With apologies to Henry Mancini.
