From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

A Question of Identity 0

Donold Trump attacks the wrong guy on “social” media.

And this surprises you how?


And Round and Round We Go 0

It would seem that Donald Trump’s lawyers’ strategy can be summed up as, “If at first you don’t succeed, do the same thing harder.”

From Above the Law:

On Friday, defense lawyers in the former president’s civil fraud case in New York filed a fifth motion for directed verdict repeating again the same arguments they’ve been making for two years without success.

    Trump never lied on his financial statements. Or if he lied, he had an “ironclad disclaimer clause” that immunized him from prosecution. And nobody was hurt by his fake finances, it’s a victimless crime. Anyway how can there be a “lie” about subjective valuations, it’s all vibes, man. Plus Michael Cohen is a liar, and the state has no authority to bring this case. Also, if the original loan is outside the statute of limitations, then all the annual statements of finance submitted to the lender are time-barred. So, please don’t murder the Trump Org?

Justice Arthur Engoron wasn’t persuaded the first 1,000 times Trump made these arguments, and he didn’t break his streak yesterday. Although, honestly he seemed a little bored with the whole thing.


Methinks the point isn’t to win the motion; it’s to delay the arguments.

Delay has always been Trump’s primary strategy when someone wants to call him to account.


Letters of Apology 0

Empty words.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

These are persons who tried to steal an election and got caught.

Frankly, it would not surprise me if they or their cohorts tried again.

We live in parlous times.

H/T to Job’s Anger.


The Lump of Coal 0

Republican Elephant sits on Santa's lap saying,

Click to view the original image.


No There There 0

David dissects the doubletalk.


“Vengeance Is Ours,” Saith Republicans 0

At The Colorado Sun, Mike Littwin tries to make sense of the nonsensical. A snippet:

With no smoking gun — with, in fact, no actual evidence whatsoever of high crimes and/or misdemeanors on Biden’s part — House Republicans voted to make the inquiry official anyway because, well, they could. And that’s even though some of the Trump fanboys at Fox News have been forced to admit that, uh, we got nothin’.

So why the official inquiry? Let’s go with the two most obvious reasons. One, because Donald Trump wants it. Two, because Johnson and his team, who can’t seem to do much of anything else, including passing bills to aid an embattled ally fighting off the Russians, felt they had to do something to justify their phoney-baloney jobs.

(Missing link found.)


The Bill Comes Due 0

Sam and his crew discuss the disarray at James O’Keefe’s (laughably misnamed) Project Veritas.


The Hunt for Hunter 0

Thom dissects the misdirection play.


False Witnesses 0

Republican Elephant looks in big empty box labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Foxy Shady 0

Farron discusses an ex-Fox News who has filed suit against Fox, alleging he was fired for reporting actual factual news.


Precedented 0

Thom sees parallels.


Missing Water-Colored Memories 0

And this surprises you how?


Three Zombie Lies that Stalk (Some of) Our Brains 0

John Crisp debunks the bunk.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

Above the Law’s Kathryn Rubino suggests that some of Donals Trump’s supporters have a drinking thinking problem.


Foxy Shady 0

As the truth is not on their side (nor are they on the side of truth) in the Smartmatic law suit, Fox News tries to make up a misdirection play, only to get slapped down by the judge.


The Zombie Apocalypse 0

At The Seattle Times, Danny Westneat argues that it is upon us. Here’s how he opens his article:

The news that an election denier is vying to run the vote-counting operation in King County is a little startling, in a “really, here?” kind of way. But it’s also a fitting symbol for the state of Republican politics right now.

They’ve gone into the zombie zone.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


“Rated R for Ridiculous,” Squeaker of the House Dept. 0

Republicans are no longer a party.

They are a parody.

A pernicious parody of poisonous perfidy proffering peril to the polity.


“The Buttoned-Up Quiet Types” 0

Seth takes a closer look at the co-conspirators who have flipped on Donald Trump.


Mittens Off 0

David discusses Mitt Romney’s recent remarks about the state of today’s Republican Party.

My two or three regular readers know that I did not support Mitt Romney in his run for president. Indeed, I supported and contributed to his opponent.

Though I disagree with many most of his positions and wanted not to see him in the presidency, I did not then and do not now question his sincerity or his honesty.


Wiggling Out Just Wiggling 0

Alex Jones’s attempt to avoid paying damages to the Sandy Hook families has rin into a bump. A snippet (emphasis added):

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones cannot use his personal bankruptcy to escape paying at least $1.1 billion in defamation damages stemming from his repeated lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, a U.S. bankruptcy judge ruled Thursday.

Bankruptcy can be used to wipe out debts and legal judgments, but not if they result from “willful or malicious injury” caused by the debtor, according to a decision by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston, Texas.
