Personal Musings category archive
Because It Is. Okay? 0
I don’t care what closed captions say or what one of my favorite mystery writers writes.
Gutting Out the Vote 0
It appears that Republicans did not have to gut out the vote.
Voters did it for them.
My Daddy taught me through example that voting is not a right.
It is a duty.
Via PoliticalProf, it would appear that a large portion of the citizenry was not taught that lesson or, perhaps, chose to ignore it.
I fear that they–and the rest of us who did vote–will pay dearly for their indolence and apathy.
Recommended Listening 0
Harry Shearer’s interview with Dr. Stephanie Kelton, professor of economics and public policy at Stony Brook University, in which they hold a balanced discussion of the federal deficit; In the course of their discussion, Kelton explodes many of the myths and falsehoods spread by the self-styled “deficit hawks.” The discussion starts at the 21-minute mark.
By the way, the rest of the show is also well worth a listen. I try not to miss an episode.
Taking Exception 0
Methinks this cartoonist has got it exactly backwards as to who failed to learn from history.
And methinks we shall all pay a great price for that failure to learn.
Recommended Viewing 0
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, starring Ronald Howard.
The series is faithful to the spirit of the Canon, yet has a delightfully tongue-in-cheek sense of humor.
I’m watching it on Tubi, but you can likely find it elsewhere.
Signs of the Fall 0
I seldom look at the sport section of my local rag (except to read Bob Molinaro’s column, because he is a fine writer with a sharp pen and a wicked sense of humor). Even when I paid much more attention to sports than I do now, I was more interesting in watching competitions than in reading about them.
Nevertheless, as I leafed through the sports section on the way to the agony columns in yesterday’s paper (yes, paper, not electrons), something caught my eye.
My local rag now carries a syndicated column methinks no doubt subtly designed to suck people into covering sports betting.
We are a broken society.
Dissonance 0
As I was preparing to hang the flag out–something I do for national holidays–I thought of others who fly the flag, maybe just not only on holidays as I do but every day, some of them even flying maybe multiple flags from their “I am an inadequate male” pick-up trucks.
I thought of how they congratulate themselves on being such patriots.
And I wondered, as they do that, do they think of the pledge, do they repeat the words
. . . and liberty and justice for all . . . .
to themselves, even as they vote for Donald Trump, the man who puts children in cages?
The Rule of Flaw 0
I go to sleep worrying about the American dream.
I wake up to the American scream.
I am not sanguine.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
It seems clear that Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy” has come full circle and that today’s Republican Party has devolved into the party of the Secesh.