From Pine View Farm

Personal Musings category archive

Stray Thought, Do Us a Favor Though Dept. 0

I think it’s legitimate to theorize that Donald Trump expects some judges to do him a favor though because he did them a favor by appointing them.


A Glimpse into a Void 0

Buried in a column about Donald’s being “the sorest loser ever,” John Huey asks a question which I suspect no one, not even Donald Trump, can answer.

Who knows what Donald Trump really believes?


Stray Thought 0

I’m watching an episode of Midsomer Murders which includes scenes of a steam excursion railroad. (I can always find time to watch an episode of Midsomer Murders, even it I’ve seen it [mumble] times before.)

I know that none the actors playing railroaders know squat about railroads.

It’s quite easy, really. The actors keep stepping on the rails.

No true railroader would ever step on a rail. Rails are slippery. It’s too easy to slip, fall, and twist your ankle; and God help you if there’s an oncoming train.

By the way, I’ve got my Amtrak 20 year pin somewhere, if you want to see it.


Thanksgiving 0

I know it may be difficult in these viral times, but I hope you can find at least one thing to be thankful for.

And stay safe.


Stray Question 0

You do realize, do you not, that 2001: A Space Odyssey, was set nearly two decades ago?

Where is my jet pack?


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

From time to time, I listen to old radio shows from a website devoted to the CBS Radio Mystery Theater (and you should too).

The audio often includes bits of news reports preceding the actual mystery broadcast, and much of that news from the early years of the show includes stories about the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Vietnam.

The same war from which I can remember my draft lottery number 50 years later.

The same war I marched against many times.

The same war for which I journeyed to Washington for the march and listened to Pete Seeger sing “Give Peace a Chance” in front of the Washington Monument.

It is eerie how those bits of news take me back in time.

Even more eerie is how little we have learned from our mistakes.


Phonetics 0

In Republican world, it’s spelled “buy-partisan.”


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

It’s November and we’re running the bleepin’ air conditioning for Pete’s sake.


Interregnum 0

What Donald Trump doesn’t get is that most people are worn out by all the shenanigans.


A Policy Statement 0

I find myself bemused when I see letters and columns in my local rag extolling Donald Trump’s “policies.”

The concept of policy implies concerted, rational actions towards achieving a specific purpose.

I have seen no “Trump policies” in the four years of the Trumpling.

I have seen only bigotry, blather, and blame.


A Bananas Republic 0

I have a nagging bad feeling that I just can’t shake.

I find it hard to see this as anything other than a clumsy attempt at a coup d’etat by a weakling who’s a wannabe strong man.

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Stray Thought 0

The telly-phone has been mercifully quiet today.


Stray Thought 0

I’m not going to waste my time–or my nerves–sitting up to listen to returns. I’ll read about them tomorrow.

I’m upset enough already.

Instead, I shall watch an episode of Midsomer Murders and pretend that I live in a civilized society.


Stray Thought 0

Pestering persons with a proliferation of unsolicited text messages is not a profitable tactic for promoting positive political participation.

Especially when the senders think my name is Jeremy and that I live somewhere else.

Also, who the hell is Jeremy?


Stray Thought 0

I must confess that every morning, when I find this thing is still working, I am somewhat gratified and mildly surprised.

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The Vacuous Cycle 0

I have avoided the “gee whiz here’s the latest” coverage of Donald Trump’s stay at Walter Reed, because there is, in my estimation, too much guessing and, without a doubt, too little openness truthfulness from the current federal administration (leading in turn to said “too much guessing”; it’s a vacuous cycle). To put it another way, I’m content to wait until tomorrow to see what today brought.

If you can’t tear yourself away from it, though, the Poynter Institute’s senior writer Tom Jones offers some guidance.


Are We a Society of Stupid? 0

My two or three regular readers know that I use “we are a society of stupid” as a tagline on posts regarding especially moronic and vile behavior.

And really, just look around.

At Psychology Today Blogs, though, David Niose suggests otherwise, arguing that “(a)nti-intellectualism has little to do with intelligence.”

Frankly, I think he draws a false dichotomy. Being smart in one area (say, math or real estate or computer coding) does not cancel out being stupid an another (say, governance or ethics or charity).

Intelligence ipso facto values the intellectual. Look the word up, for Pete’s sake. But follow the link and see what you think.


Software Upgrade 0

Man at laptop to wife:  I'm asking Turbotax if they have the Trump edition.

Image via Juanita Jean.


I suspect that the Trumpettes will never admit–especially to themselves–how thoroughly they have allowed themselves to be conned.


Meta: Connectivity 0

We’ve been having intermittent connectivity issues for the past few weeks.

We could restore connectivity by rebooting the modem (that’s a fancy way of saying pulling the power, counting to ten, then plugging the power back in and waiting about five minutes for all the LEDs to come alive). I feared that the modem was going bad, which might necessitate my having do something, like taking it to my local ISP store and exchanging it for a new one. Oh, the horror of it all.

Yesterday, I called my ISP’s tech support; the support rep told me that I was not alone–that a number of customers in my area had reported problems, that the problem was likely on their end, and that their staff was actively troubleshooting it. He went on to say that they expected the issue would be resolved by the early afternoon.

And it was.

I have a number of minor gripes with my ISP, but they are all on the theoretical side of things. Their tech support and their physical support are both excellent.


Stray Thought 0

Despite the apparent belief of many of my fellow citizens, being stupid is not an inalienable right.
