From Pine View Farm

Political Theatre category archive

Trumponomics 0

At the Portland Press Herald, Vitoria Hugo-Vidal argues that it’s time to stock up against the impending economic chaos. A snippet:

You know what financial markets like? Stability. You know what doesn’t scream “stability” to investors? Starting trade fights with our neighbors.


The Rule of Lawless, Reprise 0

Farron discusses claims by Trump’s BLT (bootlickers, lackeys, and toadies) that laws don’t apply to them or to Trump.


The Rule of Lawless 0

Robert Reich wonders when if it will end.


A Tune for the Times 0

Warning: mild language.


The Constitutional Scholar 0

PoliticalProf does his own research.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini thinks he sees a bit of MAGA karma.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy imagines Donald Trump’s dystopia.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Michelle Goldberg hears a rhyme from the not too distant past. A fit from her article (emphasis added); the entire piece is worth your while.

. . . the first days of the second Trump term have a distinct Coalition Provisional Authority vibe. For those lucky enough not to remember, the Coalition Provisional Authority was the administration that George W. Bush and his team put in place after charging heedlessly into Iraq, convinced that it would be easy to remake a government about which they knew next to nothing.


*Mark Twain.


The Fifth Columnist 0

At The Philadelphia Inquirer, Trudy Rubin sums up Donald Trump’s foreign policy:

Harm your friends, help your enemies.

Follow the link for her evidence.


Echoes of Immorality 0

For some fool reason, this article seems to remind me of someone in the news.

I wonder just who it could be?


It’s Simple, Really 0

PoliticalProf explains it all.*


*With apologies to Clarissa.


A Tune for the Times 0


True Believers 0



But don’t you dare call them “cultists.”


The Unelected Co-Conspirator 0

Elon Musk scissors the Consititution of shreds while saying,

Click to view the original image.


The Week in Rebuke 0


Real Big Men, Legends in Their Own Minds Dept. 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Eric Solomon demolishes the myth that the bullying “Alpha Male” is the model for effective leadership. He makes four main points (emphasis added);

  • Alpha leadership is a lie. Fear doesn’t create strong teams—psychological safety does.
  • Swagger isn’t strength. Real leaders empower; weak leaders hoard power and leave wreckage behind.
  • Control isn’t leadership. The best leaders build trust, not dominance or intimidation.
  • Real leaders create legacy. Power fades, but impact lasts—long after you’re gone.

Given the the behavior of certain folks in the news, I find this article a most timely read.


The points he makes correspond to my own working experience. The best bosses I had–the ones who got the best (and the most) work out of me–gave me the feeling that if I was working with them, not for them.


“Just the Fakes, Ma’am” 0

Security maven Bruce Schneier takes a look at why fact-checking fake memes on “social” media seems futile. A nugget:

People share as a form of social signaling. I send you a meme/article/clipping/photo to show that we are on the same team. Whether it is true, or misinformation, or actual propaganda, is of secondary importance. Sometimes it’s completely irrelevant. This is why fact checking doesn’t work.


All the News that Fits 0

Steve M. makes a persuasive case that our news media does not understand the news they claim to be reporting.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy sings of job creation under Donald Trump.


Executive Disorder 0

Or possibly a disordered executive. Or both?

Frame One:  Man says to Trump,

Click to view the original image.
