Political Theatre category archive
Trumponomics 0
At the Portland Press Herald, Vitoria Hugo-Vidal argues that it’s time to stock up against the impending economic chaos. A snippet:
The Rule of Lawless 0
Robert Reich wonders when if it will end.
The Constitutional Scholar 0
PoliticalProf does his own research.
The Lake Effect 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini thinks he sees a bit of MAGA karma.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Michelle Goldberg hears a rhyme from the not too distant past. A fit from her article (emphasis added); the entire piece is worth your while.
*Mark Twain.
The Fifth Columnist 0
At The Philadelphia Inquirer, Trudy Rubin sums up Donald Trump’s foreign policy:
Follow the link for her evidence.
Echoes of Immorality 0
For some fool reason, this article seems to remind me of someone in the news.
I wonder just who it could be?
Real Big Men, Legends in Their Own Minds Dept. 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Eric Solomon demolishes the myth that the bullying “Alpha Male” is the model for effective leadership. He makes four main points (emphasis added);
- Alpha leadership is a lie. Fear doesn’t create strong teams—psychological safety does.
- Swagger isn’t strength. Real leaders empower; weak leaders hoard power and leave wreckage behind.
- Control isn’t leadership. The best leaders build trust, not dominance or intimidation.
- Real leaders create legacy. Power fades, but impact lasts—long after you’re gone.
Given the the behavior of certain folks in the news, I find this article a most timely read.
The points he makes correspond to my own working experience. The best bosses I had–the ones who got the best (and the most) work out of me–gave me the feeling that if I was working with them, not for them.
“Just the Fakes, Ma’am” 0
Security maven Bruce Schneier takes a look at why fact-checking fake memes on “social” media seems futile. A nugget:
All the News that Fits 0
Steve M. makes a persuasive case that our news media does not understand the news they claim to be reporting.