From Pine View Farm

Republican Hypocrisy category archive

The Party of Flaw and Disorder 0

Michael in Norfolk documents the duplicity.


The Rule of Flaw, Courting Disaster Dept. 0

Justice John Roberts says to a smirking Donald Trump,

Click to view the original image and the artist’s commentary.


Florida Fly-by-Night Man 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, Daniel Ruth notes that Florida governor DeSantis (remember Desantis–he was much in the news a few months ago) and his staff refuse to disclose where DeSantis goes using a state-owned jet funded by Floridians’ tax payments. Ruth offers several theories for the refusal to disclose this information.

So why all the secrecy in the first place? Perhaps DeSantis, R-DeSantis, Ron DeSantis, sees himself as an international man of mystery even when he uses the Citation to fly into Yeehaw Junction for a “your eyes only” ribbon cutting at a new pig farm.

It’s entirely possible the governor moonlights as a CIA contract assassin, who jets off to the Middle East on weekends to do battle with Hamas terrorists in the tunnels under Gaza.

Or maybe in the end, all the mystery is simply a matter of a little man, surrounded by silly, venal lap dogs who want to deny the public’s right to know — because they can, or think they can. Because if the public exercises their right to know stuff, then they’ll, you know, know stuff. That’s no fun.

Follow the link for the rest of Ruth’s column. It’s a gem.


The Greene New Spiel 0

David dissects the dissimulation. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Court Packing 0

Donald Trump's

Click to view the original image.


American Exceptionalism, Trumpled 0

Title:  World leaders react to Putin killing his enemies.  Image:  Every world leader says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Courting Disaster 0

Arizona Republicans choose to dishonor native daughter Distinguished Extinguished Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.


What’s in a Name? 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini wants to know.


Implements of Infiltration 0

Image:  Open toobox containing Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, James Comer, Mike Johnson, and red-hatted man.  Caption:  Putin's Tools.

Michael in Norfolk has more.

Image via Job’s Anger.


He Is His Owned Man 0

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson says,

Click to view the original image.


Mitch McConnell’s Parting Words 0

PoliticalProf decodes de code.


The Hunt for Hunter 0


Accessories after the Fact 0

Donald taunts Lady Justice as he runs away from her.  She is barred by a barrier labeled

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Courting Disaster 0


Help-Less 0

Woman and child labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Courting Disaster 0

Seth calls out the con.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

At the Des Moines Register, David Skidmore looks at Republican obstructionism as regards aid to Ukraine and hears an echo.


*Mark Twain.


Republican Family Values 0

Title:  Cryogenc Nursery.  Time:  Not long after the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that IVF embryos are people . . . .  Image:  Man in medical robes showing new employee around containers of

Click for the original image.


Russian Impulses 0

Joseph D. Bastrimovich looks agog at the groveling.


The Tactic (Updated) 0

Today’s Republican Party does not wish to govern.

It wishes to dictate.

If it cannot dictate, it refuses to govern.


Someone seems to agree.
