From Pine View Farm

Seen on the Street category archive

Snow (Updated) 0

We haven’t had snow for several years, but we made up for it yesterday.


According to WTKR, the airport, which is about two miles away, recorded 10.2 inches, putting this in the top ten snowfalls ever recorded in these parts.


I had a chat with one of my neighbors and we concluded that our last snowfall was four years ago, shortly after he moved here five years ago.


Snowbird 0

From by brother’s birdfeeder cam in Virginia’s Northern Neck. (He got about three inches. We got off easy with just a dusting.)

Bird at snowy birdfeeder


And Now for a Change of Pace 0

Some pictures from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Eagle in flight

Click for a larger image.

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The Eagle Has Landed Watered 0

One of a series of photos from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

I must say that it never occurred to me that eagles might enjoy a dip from time to time. (Although, given how miserably hot and humid the weather was last week, on second thought, I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised.) My brother tells me that they use their wings to propel themselves through the water.


A Walk in the Garden 2

Yesterday, we went to the Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea for the first time in quite a while. They are doing some construction, so parking is limited and a reservation is needed, not for a specific time, just for a “time window.” The weather was nice and cool and sunny, so we decided to tangle with the reservation system. Fortunately, it turned out to be easier than we had feared. It was a good time.

All I had was my cell phone, but I did catch a few shots that pleased me.

Tree in fall colors

Fall Colors

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And Now for a Brief Respite 0


H/T Susan for the pic.


And Now for a Brief Respite 0



Eagle 0

A picture from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Eagle perched on branch


Totally Tubular 0

Cat in tube in cat tower


You should see the catrobatics when he tries to change his position.


A Walk in the Park 0

A few pictures from Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea, where we enjoyed our Saturday afternoon:

Bee and Flower

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Signs of the Times 0

Seen at the entrance to a local bank.

Sign reading "No Firearms or Weapons Allowed on This Property.


Plastic People, You’re Such a Drag 0

Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea is currently running an exhibit of art made for detritus retrieved from the sea. The intent of the exhibit is to impress viewers with the extent, diversity, and permanence of the trash we so blithely discard.

Here are a few of the items.

Statue of Penguin

This contains, among other things, water bottles, a toilet seat, a refrigerator door, and several cooler lids.

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Some Roses 0

Some more pictures taken while strolling through Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea on a nice spring day. The captions are taken from the signs on the little stakes next to the plants. The photos were edited in the GIMP:

Strike It Rich Rose

Strike It Rich Rose

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Some Flowers 0

A few more pictures from our recent visit to Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea.



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Some Camellias 0

A few more pictures from last weekend’s visit to Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea.

Camellia Blossom

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Bonsai 0

Yesterday, we visited Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea for the first time this season. Here’s a few of the bonsai trees in their Japanese Garden.

Bonsai tree

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In Flight 0

Another picture from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Eagle in flght


The Sentry 0

Eagle on perch

H/T my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.


Flying High 0

Eagle in flight

H/T my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.


Nature Red in Beak and Claw 0

Eagle with prey

H/T to my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.
