“That Conversation about Race” category archive
“One Ring To Bind Them All . . . .” 0
Calvin McNeill, in a letter to the editor of the Las Vegas Sun, offers a theory as to the common denominator of Trumpism.
Methinks he’s onto something.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
PoliticalProf decodes de code.
Republican Thought Police 0
Nedra Rhone offers a theory as to what motivates the Republican Thought Police:
Follow the link for her reasoning.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu highlights the hypocrisy of Donald Trump’s fear mongering about those from foreign shores. Here’s a tiny bit:
Follow the link for a link to the Esquire story and more Trumpian hypocrisy (of which there seems an unending supply).
A Notion of Immigrants 0
Writing at The Charlotte Observer, Esther Alejandra Sierra, a legal immigrant working in health care, reports that the hatred and bile towards immigrants being spread by Donald Trump and J. D. Vance is spreading. Here’s a bit from her article:
Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article292728654.html#storylink=cpy
Fatal Attraction 0
Michael in Norfolk wonders just what keeps Donald Trump’s dupes, symps, and fellow travelers from seeing the reality of Trump and Trumpism.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
At the Portland Press-Herald, David B. Offer hears a rhyme. Here’s the first line of the couplet:
Follow the link for the rhyme.
*Mark Twain.
Karen Karen-Like 0
Honest to Betsy, you couldn’t make this stuff up.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
At The Colorado Sun, Mike Littwin debunks de bunk. A snippet; follow the link for context.
Whether the apartment buildings in question — housing mostly Central American migrants — are dilapidated and run down and have been cited over the years for a long list of code violations is not up for debate. It’s true. Rep. Jason Crow, who represents Aurora in Congress, called the conditions “squalid” in a tweet while saying the gang issues are “grossly exaggerated.”
And also not up for debate is whether Aurora is a war zone or a migrant wasteland. That’s simply false.
Methinks the reason Republicans lie so much about so many things is that truth is not on their side.