“That Conversation about Race” category archive
What’s in a Name? 0
Boston University Professor Joshua Pederson offers a theory as to why Donald Trump continually and (apparently) intentionally mispronounces Kamala Harris’s first name (and, note, it is not a difficult name to pronounce). Here’s a bit from his article:
Read the full article for context.
“But They All Look Alike” 0
(Warning: short commercial at the end. And our cats prefer kibbles. Honest to Betsy, I can open a can of tuna and they couldn’t care less.)
I’m a Southern boy.
I grew up under Jim Crow and went to segregated schools. I was there when they were desegregated.
You really can’t get much more racist than “they all look alike.”
Gutting Out the Vote 0
Noah Feldman argues that persons aren’t really noticing because the right-wing is doing it one baby step at a time.
If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0
Al Pearce wonders that driver Bubba Wallace may be the most reviled–by racing fans, that is–driver on the NASCAR circuit. In his article, he says,
Methinks that, in his article, he makes it pretty clear he does understand why. But the why is not pretty and he doesn’t like what it is.
Twits Own Twitter X Offenders
As you may have heard, Elon Musk has sued a number of advertisers for not advertising on Xcretion. At Above the Law, Joe Patrice comments. A snippet:
“Too bigoted to fail,” if you will.
The Lake Effect 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini thinks that the Lake may running drying up.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Now comes James D. Zirin, writing at the Washington Monthly, who hears a rhyme.
*Mark Twain.
Name that Tune 0
Why it’s Donald Trump’s One-Note Samba!
In the Brat Cave 0
Over at Psychology Today Blogs, John A. Johnson has some thoughts about Fertility Lad.
All That Is Old Is New Again 0
Trump plays his trump card: Birtherism all over again, and it’s just as phony the second time around.
Tracking the Record 0
Reacting to Donald Trump’s tantrum at the National Association of Black Journalists, the editorial board of the Las Vegas Sun takes a long, detailed look at his track record on race.
No surprises, but, when it’s all collected in one place, it’s–er–rather disquieting.
Patriot Gamers 0
Thom argues nationalism and patriotism are not the same thing and that nationalism is inimical to patriotism. He quotes the French president:
President Macron said that nationalism is a betrayal. “By pursuing our own interests first with no regard to others, we erase the very thing that a nation hold most precious, that which gives it life and what makes it great, its moral values.”
He also points out that America was founded on an idea, however imperfectly that idea may have been implemented, not on white DNA. He argues that today’s Republican Party has forsaken patriotism for (white) nationalism. And, to steal a phrase from Mark Twain that my two or three regular readers know quite well, Thom hears an echo a rhyme from history.
Listen to his reasoning.