“That Conversation about Race” category archive
Republican Thought Police 0
In Republican World, historical fact is a “divisive concept.”
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
The editorial board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch looks at the flood of racist, sexist slurs with which Republicans have responded to the presidential run of Vice President Harris and concludes that, well, they just can’t help themselves. Here’s a tiny bit of their editorial:
Asking such epic restraint is clearly asking too much.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but If Often Rhymes”* 0
Now comes Roseann Foley Henry, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, who hears a rhyme.
*Mark Twain.
Still Rising Again after All These Years . . . 0
. . . and, per Nikki Merritt at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Republican Thought Police are providing tactical support.
In a Quandary? 0
Michael Hiltzik offers a way out:
1. Examine closely the position taken by Elon Musk, and;
2. Go the other way.
Follow the link for his reasoning.
The Cult of Poisonality 0
Michael in Norfolk has a few questions about the Trump and his cultists.
Follow the link for context.
Republican Family Values 0
Steve M. points out that, in Republican World, not all families are valued.
A Tune for the Times 0
Mangy comments at the Youtube page:
Tennessee Representative, Tim Burchett, recently said the Kamala Harris had been the “DEI choice for Biden” when he ran for president, meaning that Kamala was only picked, as part of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” meaning that she was picked for her ‘color,’ not qualifications. The highly-unqualified Burchett, (who was picked for his color, along with so many of his Republican colleagues) ironically never thought to credit the previous Republican DEI selection criteria (selecting only those white guys who were Dumb, Egotistical and Insecure) for his current position in the House of Representatives.
The “Wallace Conundrum” 0
At AL.com, Kyle Whitmire tries to figure out the core beliefs of major figures in today’s Republican Party and concludes that there’s no there there. Methinks he may be onto something.
A snippet:
They’re the political Shape Shifters.
Such changes shouldn’t be confused with changing one’s mind. Healthy minds evolve to incorporate new information, evidence or experience. In contrast, Shape Shifters change to fit new attitudes or new audiences — for approval.
Follow the link to find out why he dubs this the “Wallace conundrum.”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet more courtesy on concrete, with an topping of America’s original sin.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.