The Secesh category archive
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Clearly, if we don’t talk about America’s original sin of chattel slavery, then it must not have happened.
Because that’s the way history works.
Still Rising Again after All These Years,
Republican Thought Police Dept.
Scott Maxwell parses the perfidy of Florida AG Ashley Moody.
No excerpt or summary can do his article justice. Just go read it.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Among other things, Thom and former FBI agent Mike German discuss the origins of the Second Amendment. It’s likely not what you expect it to be and certainly not what the NRA and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers would want you to think.
Frankly (I do everything frankly), it rather took me aback, but it did not surprise me.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
My Daddy fought Nazis in the Ardennes.
Were he still with us, he would be–er–somewhat distressed to find home-grown Nazis on the homefront betraying the very cause that he fought for.
“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned To Repeat It”* 0
And, remember, there are those who don’t want us to remember the past, because they do want us to repeat it, and they still rising again after all these years.
The Entitlement Society 0
A Twits on Twitter An X Offender.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Michael in Norfolk decodes de code.
The Rule of Flaw 0
I go to sleep worrying about the American dream.
I wake up to the American scream.
I am not sanguine.
Still Rising after All These Years 0
If at first you can’t secede, try, try again.
The Confluence 0
Steve M. takes a look at this weekend’s Trump rally in Madison Square Garden (which, I must note, is neither square nor located at Madison Square, but I digress), where Trump’s supporters openly flaunted their racism, and notes an overlap. Here’s a bit about the overlap:
“They Want Apartheid Back” 0
Thom talks with a caller about why some people vote Republican, even though Republicans’ “policies” are inimical to their health and well-being. He offers a simple explanation.
As someone who grew up under Jim Crow and remembers my Daddy making sure he had paid his poll taxes, who was in school during desegregation, who trained in U. S. History with an emphasis on U. S. Southern, and who freaking pays attention to what’s going on, I find it difficult to take exception to Thom’s argument.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Jackie Calmes makes a compelling case that Donald Trump has shown us who he really is many times.
The question is, “Are enough people paying attention?”
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
It seems clear that Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy” has come full circle and that today’s Republican Party has devolved into the party of the Secesh.