From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

Market Farces 0

Steve M. reports on the latest step in Republicans’ anti-LGBTQ crusade appears to be attacking retailers who sell merchandise that said crusaders find offensive. Apparently, in their view, admitting the very existence of LGBTQ persons is now being portrayed as “grooming.” Here’s a bit from his article; follow the link for his reasoning.

If you’re saying that it’s a potential violation of the law to sell children’s products proclaiming that LGBTQ people exist, are equal citizens, and should be celebrated, you’re a very short step from declaring that it’s illegal to be a gay parent. If the presence of pro-LGBTQ clothing results in unlawful sexualization of children, so does the ongoing presence of an LGBTQ parent . . . .

And this from the party that claims to celebrate the “free hand of the market.”


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

Davidson College Professor Isaac Bailey reacts to a message that he received that started out by addressing him with “Hey, boy!”

Bigots in South Carolina, and beyond, are gonna have to up their game. Nearly a quarter of the way through the 21st century, they are deploying insults that haven’t been effective in decades, putdowns that might sting a bit but have been robbed of the power they once held.

I commend the complete article to your attention.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Just mean for the sake of mean.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

If you’re disabled, Texas Governor Abbot doesn’t want to make it any easier for you to vote.

Gov. Greg Abbott on Saturday vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded vote-by-mail access for people with disabilities — specifically people who are blind or paralyzed and need assistance marking their ballot.

More at the link.


Dis Coarse Discourse, Both Sides Don’t Dept. 0

Title:  Bipartisan Reflections.  Image:  TV host:  Welcome to Punditspew!  With me is Democratic strategist Dan Doormat and Chairman of the Power Patriots for Fiery National Cleansing, Mr. Perkins.  Dan Doormat:  Hello.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  Die!  Host:  Gentlemen, what are your thoughts on the Trump indictment?  Dan Doormat:  Well, it's the least that----.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  Biden is a wannabe dictator crushing our children under his big gat Communist jackboots.  Buckle up!  It's a war on the Republic!  Know your bridges!  An eye for an eye!  Mr. Perkins:  Um-----.   Host:  Some say that Biden should pardon him as a healing gesture.  Dan Doormat:  I think enforcing the law is the best-----.  Mr. Perkins (with fire coming out of his mouth:  We shall vanquish their bepronouned storm troopers and install our righteous king!

Click for the original image.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

The Sacramento Bee has obtained a copy of Florida Governor DeSantis’s trafficking ticket (that is, the “release” his minions had migrants sign before trafficking them to California).


The Party of Law and Order, Reprise 0

Thom decodes de code.


Indictment Incitement? 0

Robert Reich looks at the possible reactions to Donald Trump’s indictment and finds a cause for a bit of optimism. Here’s a bit of what he has to say (emphasis in the original):

Violence is possible, but there will be no civil war.

Nations don’t go to war over whether they like or hate specific leaders. They go to war over the ideologies, religions, racism, social classes, and/or economic policies these leaders represent.

But Trump represents nothing other than his own grievance with a system that refused him a second term and is now beginning to hold him accountable for violating the law.The

A Quibble:

It seems to me that Trump has tapped into at least two of five potential causes that Reich listed.


The “Con” in “Conservative” 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, James Unnever makes a compelling case that Lyndon Johnson was right.


Still Rising Again after All These Years . . . 0

. . . and they want you to know it.

A rope in the shape of a noose was found at Newtown Elementary School in Virginia Beach late Tuesday.

A staff member found the rope hanging from a tree on the school’s property, according to a letter sent to families.

“This has caused some understandable feelings of fear and stress amongst our staff and we’re making you aware because we believe it is important to be transparent with our school community,” the letter reads.

Follow the link for details.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Same war, different slogans.

Caption:  The War on Woke.  Image:  Town with buildings labeled

Click for the original image.


Real Big Men 0

Caption:  The Party of Rugged Mascuiinity.  Image:  Heavily armed MAGA-hatted man says,

Michael in Norfolk has more.

Image via Balloon Juice.


Precedented 0

Bill Adkins, writing for the Lexington Herald-Leader, sees an echo of the past (I saw the article at the Las Vegas Sun). A snippet:

In 1939, there were just under 10 million Jews in all of Europe. There were fewer than 400,000 Jews in Germany. But in 1935, Germany passed the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jews of various rights including who they might marry and employment opportunities, targeting them in ways that made them lawful victims of persecution. Sound familiar?

Today in the United States, 7.2% of the population is LGBTQ. That’s about 24 million people. This year, nationwide, legislatures have passed 21st-century versions of the Nuremberg Laws. They have passed at least 45 laws so far that attack LGBTQ marriage, endanger their employment and their First Amendment rights, limit what can be taught or discussed in schools and make them victims of persecution. The politicians also target those who defend the victims of these laws, as the Republicans did when they attacked the education commissioner in Kentucky.

I have cited this quote from Mark Twain before, and we see proof of it daily: “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

I commend Adkins’s entire piece to your attention.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Picture of veterans' cemetary.  Voice rises from one of the graves saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


A Tune for the Times, Republican Family Values Dept. 0


The Bully’s Pulpit, Reprise 0

Republican Elephant labled

Click for the original image.


Precedented 0

Steve Bousquet, columnist for the Florida Sun Sentinel reminds Florida’s Governor DeSantis that, to paraprhase Mark Twain, history may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


Trumpling a Judge 0

Title:  Trump Law, I Gotta Be Me.  Frame One:  Judge says to a sad-faced Donald Trump,

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years, Meet
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society”

Open season in Texas.


The Week in Rebuke 0

Frame One, Title:  The Week that Was:  Checking in on the Party of Small Government, Personal Liberty, and Respect for the Rule of Law.  Frame Two, captioned

Click to view the original image.
