Too Stupid for Words category archive
Courting Disaster 0
But this time it’s a tennis court.
When Words Come Back To Haunt . . . . 0
PoliticalProf notes the irony.
Lab Leak Lunacy 0
Rebecca Watson explores the susceptibility of some to the COVID “lab leak” theory, which is supported by zero evidence whatsoever, and what that theory’s persistence portends for the polity. Her analysis motivates one to be less than sanguine about the sagacity of the susceptible. (Warning: Mild language.)
If you prefer, you can read the transcript.
We are becoming a nation unmoored from factual reality.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
Just when you think they can’t get any fiendlier, they go ane prove you wrong.
Originalist Sin 0
At Above the Law, Joe Patrice analyzes the acrobatics.
Fly the Fiendly Skies . . . 0
. . . where movies come to life.
Candy Crushed 0
I think I have expressed before in these electrons my skepticism as to the benefits of legalized on-line gambling.
Barnum was wrong.
There’s more than one born every minute.
Tales of the Trumpling* 0
The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts writes of a thoroughly Trumpled political party.
*And I had so hoped I’d never see cause to use this title again . . . .