Too Stupid for Words category archive
Dis Coarse Discourse . . . 0
. . . has completely gone to the dog.
Raging Bull 0
Why the New York Times continues to pay something for this nothing is beyond me.
For Your Dining Pleasure . . . . 0
This evening, why not treat yourself to a David Brooks Special?
Not a lot of substance, but, true Brooksian fashion, an awful lot of empty hot air.
The Wedding Industrial Complex 0
I also had two weddings, but they were years apart and to different persons.
Battle of the Tech Bros 0
Psychologist Mike Travers suggests that the pending (potential? possible? preposterous?) cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg “is a snapshot of our culture.”
If he’s correct, we’re in far worst shape than I feared.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
If you edit it out of Wikipedia, why, natch, it must have never happened.
Flotsam 0
It turns out that there was something in the water.
The Crypto Con 0
Bruce Schneier expresses a tad of skepticism.
Vaccine Nation 0
The stupid. It metastasizes.
Details of the delusional at the link.
Twits on Twitter X Offenders
One more time, “social” media isn’t, and won’t be as long as it and its algorithms continue to magnify malice, foment falsehoods, nurture nasty, and propagate puerile.
Fly the Fiendly Skies . . . 0
. . . and be ready for a surprise.