From Pine View Farm

Too Venal for Words category archive

Patriot Gamers 0

David Hyde has had enough.


The Crypto Con 0

Now, it’s coming after your pension fund (assuming, of course, that you even have a pension fund in this New Gilded Age).


This New Gilded Age 0

The Washington Monthly’s Anne Kim takes a deep dive into the “Heritage” Foundation’s plan to bring back robber barons, aka Project 2025, and concludes that “it’s even worse than you think.”


Trumpnado 0

Two sharks sitting in easy chairs, one on a cell phone and the other reading

Via Job’s Anger.


The Republican Contract on America 0

Rebecca Watson takes a look at the “Heritage” Foundation’s Project 2025 (warning: mild language):

Or you can read the transcript.


Droning On 0

He says it’s just his hobby.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They are getting fiendlier every day.


Next Year 0

John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barret playing the fife and drums leading Alito, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch, all marching under a banner reading

Via Balloon Juice.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

This time, it is John J. Farmer, Jr., who hears a rhyme.


*Mark Twain.


This New Gilded Age 0

More mean for the sake of mean.


State of Secrecy 0

Scott Maxwell discusses the underhanded strategies that Florida’s Governor DeSantis is using to keep Florida’s citizens from knowing the state’s public employees are doing. Here’s a tiny bit:

Right now, his legal team is in court trying to give his staff the right to hide public records from the public. All they would have to do is use their personal cellphones or computers to send messages and documents.


Fortunately, the court system has so far rejected DeSantis’ secret-keeping scheme involving records his staff created while plotting to fly migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard.


The Gold Ruse 0

The Smoking Gun reports on the con.

In an audacious and heartbreaking scheme, a pair of elderly Floridians were swindled out of $400,000 in gold bars by a phone fraudster who claimed that the victims were facing arrest due to illegal activity in their respective Amazon accounts, according to court records.

Follow the link for the details and remember, if some stranger on the phone sounds convincing, it may just because he’s trying to convince you.


He’s a Real Big Man . . . 0

. . . or so he would have you think.


Overt Operators 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Seth J. Gillihan writes of the “7 signs that you’re a covert manipulator.”

Follow the link and see whether his piece reminds you of any over manipulators who may be in the news.


Courting Disaster 0


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Theft of labor.


Facebook Frolics 0

Fallacious frolics.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.

Indeed, it amplifies the antisocial and propagates the pollution of the polity.


The Patriot Gamer 0

As a Memorial Day memory, Dick Polman offers a quick review of occasions at which Donald Trump showed his (dis)respect for American service members.


Vaccine Nation 0

A prescription for peril:

The stupid. It burns.


More Mean for the Sake of Mean 0

You can’t make this stuff up.

Methinks one could make a strong case that mean for the sake of mean is a core Republican Family Value, at least for today’s Republican Party.
