Too Venal for Words category archive
Establishmentarians 0
Missouri Republicans want to put proselytizers on the public payroll and deploy them to public schools.
Maskless Marauders 0
An Alabama Republican lawmaker wants to outlaw the very notion of protecting the public good and promoting the general welfare.
Methinks selfishness is the ultimate Republican family value.
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
Just when you think it can’t get any coarser . . . .
Republican Family Values 0
Yearning for the good old days.
Withdrawal Symptoms 0
Ohio women take drive-through banking to the next level.
No Place To Hide 2
I think it’s safe to say that the internet invasion of privacy has been out of hand for quite a long time. and it certainly has more than its share of nefarious.
Here’s some nefariousness with an establishmentarian twist. Here’s a snippet from a report by the EFF:
My Downward Spiral 0
Every time I find myself thinking that nothing can sink my opinion of humankind further, I find myself, as my old boss used to day, “in error.”
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Double Standards and the Double Dealer 0
Isaac Bailey disagrees with Donald Trump’s and the Trumpettes’ claims that he is a victim of a double standard. Rather, argues Bailey, Trump has benefited from double standards throughout his life.
A snippet (emphasis added):
She’s right. Despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing throughout his adult life, only now is Trump being charged or convicted of things such as fraud and being civilly held liable for rape.
Follow the link for context.
Twits Own Twitter X Offenders
Her profile page showed an “Account suspended” message on Tuesday and an explanation that the service “suspends accounts which violate the X Rules.” Shortly after, the account appeared online again.
The story goes on to report that, as of press time, X had not responded to inquiries as to why this happened.
Precedented 0
Mona Charen reminds of what Mark Twain said, that history does not repeat itself, but it often echoes.
She’s hearing an echo right now.
It’s Bubblelicious 0
Oliver Darcy offers a theory as to how dis coarse discourse got so coarse. I note it because it is consistent with my opinion that “social” media isn’t; he suggests that
Methinks he is onto something.
It’s All about the Algorithm 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Robyn Koslowitz discusses a TikTok challenge which, as nears as I can figure out, involves parents telling kids to go into a bathroom, telling them it’s a safe space where they can curse all they want. Then the parents record the result and post it to “social” media.
Koslowitz lists a number of reasons that this is a bad idea, starting with the idea that it’s a betrayal of trust (that is, saying that a place is safe, then then violating that space. The line that caught my eye, though, was this:
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Gutting Out the Vote 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini writes about an Arizona legislator who has decided that, well, if you can’t gut out the vote, why not just throw it out completely. A snippet:
Make it legal.
Kern has introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 1014, which — I am not making this up — allows that “the Legislature, and no other official, shall appoint presidential electors.”