Too Venal for Words category archive
Spoiling the System 0
Lindsay M. Chervinsky looks at Donald Trump’s plans to effectively destroy the civil service and replace career civil servants with his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers.
Much more at the link.
Republican Thought Police 0
Many years ago, when I was a young ‘un just a couple of years into my first real job (as opposed to summer jobs), my then girl friend and I had occasion to visit an apartment occupied by two young men.
I remember that she was rather taken aback when she saw that there was only one bed in the apartment.
But, really, they were just being who they were, and they were harming nobody.
Who does it harm to just let let persons be who they are in the privacy of their own homes?
As an aside, I can attest that no marriage of mine has ever been harmed by anything that happened in a same sex bedroom.
Flying the Fiendlier Skies 0
Robert Reich explores why traveling by airline has become so unpleasant. He lists five reasons; here’s one of them (emphasis in the original):
While their jobs have become more difficult, many flight attendants haven’t had a raise in years.
And a lot of their hardest work is totally unpaid, because most flight attendants don’t get paid during the boarding process. They’re off the clock until the plane’s doors close.
And if the flight is delayed, those are often extra hours for no extra money.
Again, this mirrors trends in the overall economy, where too many workers are pushed into unpaid overtime or made to do work or be on call during their off hours.
Follow the link for a detailed exploration of the other four.
Republican Family Values 0
Suffer the children appears to be a Republican Family Value.
Selling Snake Oil on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
Rebecca Watson parses the piffle.
or you can read the transcript.
And, while touring the Disinformation Superhighway . . . .
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
They explore new dimensions of fiendliness every day.
Twits Own Twitter 0
Legal-oriented subreddit Xes out links to Twitter. Here’s the gist; more at the link.
r/law, a popular subreddit about the law announced last week that it was completely banning links to Twitter for this reason.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
But beware of the flying swatter.
Freedom of Screech 0
Self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk absolutely threatens to sue the Center for Countering Digital Hate for exercising free speech.
Suffer the Children 0
Self-proclaimed follower of Jesus Christ makes manifest those words.
Unreal Estate 0
A reporter for a local television station tells her story of dealing with internet scammers who tried to rent her rental property out from under her (and of some honest people she met along the way).
It’s a fascinating read, and again reminds us that, just because you see it on a computer device screen, it ain’t necessarily so.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
How did the attendant receive this photo, you might inquire.
Via Apple AirDrop, which means someone on the plane thought this was a good thing to do.
We are a broken society.
Vaccine Nation 0
Honest to Betsy, these lying liar anti-vaxxers will latch onto anything to promote their perfidies and imperil the polity.
One more time, “social” media isn’t.