Weather, or Not category archive
The Climates They Are a-Changin’ 0
Here it is mid-November and we’ve not yet had a hard freeze or even a frost in these parts.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
It’s another 80-Fahrenheit day here in October. This is not normal. Or perhaps it’s the new normal.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
In these parts, it’s mid-September and the temperature is still in the mid-80s. This is not normal.
Image via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.
Self-Appointed 0
This is weird:
Crouch said that these people are not Norfolk employees and that the city would never force people to leave evacuation zones. “That’s absolutely a personal decision.”
The city is trying to identify these folks.
Wind Bags vs. Wind 0
Shorter Will Bunch: Outlawing discussions of climate change won’t keep the seas from rising.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
Will Bunch covers the fire this time and why it’s not getting the media play it warrants. A snippet:
Why is this, and what is to be done?
In the Why Dept., climate change is ultimately a science story — which is bad news on several fronts. Bill Nye aside, America is pretty much a nation of Not Science Guys and Gals — with study after study showing that the U.S. lags the rest of the developed world when it comes to science education. Lack of education typically leads to lack of interest, but I don’t think that’s the only reason viewers reach for the remote. We’ve also seen a steady devolution as reality-show production values trump (pun intended) any kind of real-information culture in the news media.
And it’s not just here.
I fear we are well past the tipping point.