From Pine View Farm

Weather, or Not category archive

When the Lights Go Out . . . . 0

Frame One:  Man readubg newspaper with the headline,

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The Disinformation Superhighway 0

Temperature tantrums.

Words fail me.


Dominion 0

Caption:  An ancient dream comes true.  Image:  Frame One:  Man in desert wasteland says,

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I am not sanguine.


A Picture Is Worth . . . . 0

Frame One:  Polar bear standing on shrinking ice floes.  Frame Two:  Couple standing in front of house looking a dry, parched landscape.

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Tony Norman has more.


Science, Republican Style 0

Republican Elephant standing amidst a forest in a raging wildfire says,

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Natural Selection at Work 0

Map of solar system with Earth labeled

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 2

Weather forecaster points to a map showing the northern hemisphere ablaze with wild fires and heat waves.  At the bottom of the screen, Chyron reads,

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“What We Have Here Is a Failure To Cogitate” 0

man driving in car while listening to the news.  Voice from radio says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

The lake effect.

The dinosaurs had their asteroid.

We have, well, us.


The Reboot 0

Title:  Genesis 2.0.  Image:  Cave family gatthered about a fire.  Father says,

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If Alexa doesn’t do it soon, climate change will do it later.


Facts Are What People Think 0

David and a caller discuss why so many persons disdain scientific fact.


I think the caller gets it right. The effects of global warming are near and will be dire.

And I think we are well past the tipping point.


The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0

. . . but some persons refuse to recognize the evidence of things seen.

At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre explores some of the reasons for climate change denialism.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0


The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0

. . . yet Virginia’s Governor Trumpkin would deny the evidence of things seen.


The Climates, They Are a-Changing 0

Water, water, everywhere disappears, nor any drop to drink.

Many years ago, I went tubing on the Colorado below Lake Powell. That was long before its level dropped below the “critical level.”

I fear for my grandchildren.


The Climates They Are a-Changing, Wide World of Sports Dept. 0

The Local reports that Norwegian Paralympians returning from China fear for the future of their sports in the face of global warming.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

It’s March 6 and I had to turn on the AC to remove humidity from the house.

But climate change is a myth.

Also, pigs, wings.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

The dinosaurs did not know that the meteor was headed their way.

We see the meteor and choose to do (almost) nothing.

Title:  Safety Campaign.  Frame One:  Man in car captioned

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Frame One, titled

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 0


Back in what we called the “back field” at Pine View Farm, to the left and way behind the pine trees in the picture at the top of this page, there is a steep slope with about a 20-foot drop where the soil is very sandy, so sandy, in fact, that at spots the soy beans my father used to plant there did not grow very well.

We always thought it was once a beach. Now it looks as if it will be a beach once more.
