From Pine View Farm

Weather, or Not category archive

The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Siberia is on fire.


The Fire This Time 0

Caption:  Remember this guy?  Image:  Donald Trump standing in front of forests blazing with wild fires saying,

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A Hot Time in the Old Town . . . . 0

Two men crawling across a parched landscape.  One of them is collapsed face down on the sand.  One says to the other,

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The Fire This Time 0

Man running away from heat waves and wildfires as the

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Like they are going to admit it.

But you can picture the future.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Man holding a sign reading

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Fantasy Land 0

The Seattle Times’s David Horsey recalls the film, Independence Day, and the fantasy it presented. He contrasts it with the reality of humans’ response to climate change. A snippet; much more at the link.

What was truly implausible was the way Americans, let alone everyone else on the planet, managed to join together to fight a global threat.

Horsey is not sanguine.

Nor, for that matter, am I. I fear that we are well past the tipping point.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Weatherman standing in front of a map (in this case of Maine).  On the map hovers a weather system labeled

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In the 25 years or so that I lived in the Philadelphia area, I never saw news stories like this one. The Brandywine flood a foot or two, rendering Brandywine Park in Wilmington, Del., unusable for a day or so, but flooding U. S. 1?


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

California’s Lake Oroville will no longer float your boat.


The Climates They Are a-Changing, Dam Nation Dept. 0

Lake Mead, the source of water for many cities and farms in the American west, is wasting away from what scientists have dubbed a “mega-drought.” Here’s a bit from Timothy Egan’s report:

Nobody wants a desiccated West, a place where dying trees outnumber the living ones in many places, where wildfires are not a seasonal siege but a year-round peril, where once-fertile fields are permanently fallowed.

But it’s here now, and a reservoir built to hold enough water to flood all of New York state 1 foot deep appears to be inexorably drying up.

The other day, I walked the floor of Lake Mead, a cracked and sun-baked Martian-scape that was once more than 100 feet underwater. On the horizon, the eerie geologic formations that freaked out early white explorers displayed the latest bathtub rings in the rock.

I find this somewhat disquieting.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0


Death Watch 0

Two aliens in flying saucer look at Earth.  One says,

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Tidal Basin waves.

H/T to my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck for the link.


Changing with the Times 0

Men standing waist-deep near picnic table and barbecue next to sign reading

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The Mess with Texas, Reprise 0

In the Austin American-Statesman, Bridget Grumet reports from the storm and makes an observation:

Texans famously want very little from their government. But we need government leaders who can ensure we don’t freeze to death in our own homes.


The Mess with Texas 0

Ay Juanita Jean’s, E; Jefe has more, and even some more.


Q Believers 0

Children building snowmen.  Two of them are building a traditional snowman.  The third is building a a

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 0


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

It’s November and we’re running the bleepin’ air conditioning for Pete’s sake.


The Climatologist 0

Donald Trump says,

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The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

At the Hartford Courant, Maxwell Warren warns that we have entered a new age.

Many people may not know that we’ve slipped into a new era: the Anthropocene Age. This new geologic age marks when humans began to permanently change the planet. This age offers the promise and wonders of our creative genius yet also the seeds of civilization’s complete destruction. And we are about to find out which path will prevail.

Our intellect, technology, ambition and desire for a better life have propelled us forward with rapid changes. And for the last 70 years, our unsustainable lifestyle fed on increasingly greater amounts of fossil fuels.

Follow the link for more.
