From Pine View Farm

Words Fail Me category archive

Beat the Heat 0

Florida Woman.


School Daze 0

Florida Man Boy.


Vaccine Nation 0

At The Denver Post, the University of Colorado’s Seth Masket runs the numbers:

Vaccinations are a better predictor of state voting patterns in 2020 than education, racial composition, or almost any other demographic factor. And while voting patterns don’t really shift much from election to election, vaccination rates are a better predictor of the 2020 election than the 2000 election is. That is, if you want to know how a state voted in 2020, you can get more information from knowing its current vaccination rate than from knowing how it voted 20 years ago.

Follow the link for his thoughts on what that means.

In related news, the “Show Me” state gets shown.


Vaccine Nation 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini points out that there is no vaccine to provide immunity against stupid.


Facebook Frolics 0

Insurrectionist frolics.

One more time, the internet is a public place.

And it never forgets.


“Suffer the Children” 0

It’s not scripture. It’s a Republican family value.

Via Atrios.


A Nation of Suckers 0

More stuff you can’t make up.

We are a society of stupid.


So Much Whining 0


A Notion of Immigrants 0



Twits on Twitter 0

Twits from the cess pool.

Thus Twitter continues to contribute to the dignity of the discourse.


Florida Man . . . 0

. . . loses his head.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

One more reason I’m glad my days of flying all over the country to conduct training classes are behind me.


The Art of the Con 0

More PPP preposterousness.


Borderline Disorder 0

It’s amazing what you can do with a Sawzall.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

The voter fraudsters aren’t who Republicans want you to think they are.

Business Insider’s Tom Lobianco reports that Mike and Karen Pence have once again used the Indiana governor’s mansion as their home address to vote absentee in their home state. Which is probably news to Eric Holcomb, the Hoosier State’s governor since January 9, 2017.

The report goes on to explain that, through some strange Alice-through-the-Looking-Glass reasoning, this is apparently legal in Indiana because that was their last residence of record in the state. Or something.


Many years ago, in my road warrior days, I was sitting in the bar of my favorite hotel in Chicago. At a table close to me, three young whippersnappers in three-piece suits from what was then called the Sears Tower, which was about two blocks away, were discussing impending layoffs at their outfit.

Finally, one of them, as he took a sip (or maybe it was a gulp) of his whiskey, said, “Well, I know one thing. I’m never going back to Indiana.”

I think I now understand why.


Facebook Frolics 0

The algorithm of recurring regret.


Facebook Frolics, Maskless Marauder Dept. 0

The stupid. It burns.


These Viral Times 0

Headline: Wawa donates 53-foot refrigerated truck to New Jersey for use as temporary morgue

I have no words.


Facebook Frolics 0

Title:  Where should we be getting our information about COVID-19?  Frame One:  Image of Dr. Fauci at podium.  Frame Two:  Man at laptop saying,

Click for the original image.


Republican Family Values, “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother” Dept. 0

Donald Trump poised at the top of volcano with a grandmother saying,

Click for the original image and the artist’s commentary.


A small quibble: Trump did not make the remark about grandparents sacrificing themselves, but he might as well have.
