From Pine View Farm

Your Tax Dollars at Work 1


1 comment

  1. George

    April 27, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    Sadly, you can’t “choose peace over profits.” The Department of Defense, the three branches of government and the two political parties amputated the ability to do that. And they did it with the consent of the American people who went along with the idea that if most of them didn’t have to fight the wars, it was OK just to act patriotic and ignore it most of the time. Chuck Spinney, an old Pentagon man and gadfly calls the system “the self-licking ice cream cone.” It was put in place through the Cold War. The war on terror set it in stone. I don’t think it’s reversible in our time. There simply is no way to change it. It doesn’t matter who you vote into power. As soon as they get there they become enablers and protectors of it. Surely no one can seriously think that anything in this country, or the middle or lower classes, is being protected by what we’re doing in the desperate places of the world. That’s just rubbish and it’s abetted by the feeling of guilt that’s exploited in the majority of the population who don’t serve. The military industrial complex would never allow a draft to return and that’s the only cure. Make everyone serve and they’ll get sick of it fast. Are all the other western nations crimped because they don’t have the most gigantic military in world history? Would they suddenly topple and fail without the presence of American threatened force of arms?