From Pine View Farm

In the Tank 2

In the midst of a larger post about one of his favorite subjects,* one in which he has expertise, Dick Destiny pens the ultimate definition of “Republican Think Tanks.”

Heritage Foundation was never a think tank. It’s just another propaganda mill funded by wealth to provide convenient studies and experts for the worst GOP impulses.


*That is, fear-mongering about made-up technological threats in pursuit of consultancy contracts.



  1. George Smith

    May 11, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    It’s a happy event that this ripped a good bloody hole in Robert Rector, too, as he’s the guy we often saw passed off in the mainstream media as having “studies” that proved the social safety net is way too large and that the poor really aren’t poor because they have flat screen televisions. 

  2. Frank

    May 11, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    They are starting to believe their own lies.  That way lies danger.