From Pine View Farm

Flag Daze 2

The Inky notes that the Stars and Bars seems to be gaining popularity in Yankeeland. A nugget:

Charlie Hauber, owner of the Flag & Sign Place in Broomall, Delaware County, said he keeps Confederate flags in stock because of their historical relevance. Other flag stores refuse to sell them.

“I’ve had truckers come to me and say, ‘I can’t buy these things anywhere,’ ” Hauber said. “Places just stopped selling them.”

Hauber said that he doesn’t support slavery, but that the Civil War was also about states’ rights.

This question was not asked (or, at least, not mentioned in the story):

    States’ rights to do just what, exactly?

One more time, when someone says, “states rights,” ask that question.

Then please let me know what happens.



  1. George Smith

    September 25, 2013 at 11:22 am

    Famous lines: “My granddaughter is half-black.”  “Everybody loves each other on this block.” Oh, I bet they do. Greece has the Golden Dawn, other Euro nations have their fascist political parties. The US has the biggest one of all, neo-Confederacy, or my WhiteManistan. As things become worse, more Confederate flags fly. As the food stamp rolls increase, the vicious attacks on them do so too, and in the red states where more of the people are on them, more Confederate flags.

  2. Frank

    September 25, 2013 at 11:43 am

    The lack of self-awareness is as stupefying as it is stupid.