From Pine View Farm

Sporadic Bloggery (Updated) 0

Someone is getting hitched and I’m off to the festivities. I shall have a nice drive through the Virginia countryside clutching the hope that rain will not fall on their outdoor wedding, but I’m taking my raincoat with me.

With my own weddings, the rain always fell later . . . .

Addendum, That Very Evening:

Except for the part about the first hour of the drive taking two hours, it was a nice drive though the Virginia countryside from the seashore to the mountains. It’s been a long time since I did highway driving on two lane roads, but I was fortunately surrounded by good drivers who kept up the pace and stayed between the lines.

Then there was the sign from the Patrick Henry Tea Party (no, I’m not linking you up to their website–find it yourself). I tried to take a picture, but the light changed before I could focus:

Shovel Ready Jobs at the U. S.-Mexico border.

“Vile and loathsome” is an understatement.


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