From Pine View Farm

“Dear Leader” 0

Brian Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun, finds the fanatical loyalty of Trump supporters to be disquieting. Here’s bit of column, in which he discusses a “focus” group after George Stephanopoulos’s interview with James Comey:

The first was a discussion with a group of Trump supporters from Charleston County, S.C. Admittedly, the conversation was about Comey, his veracity, reputation and credibility, but the overarching subject matter was their belief that Trump could do no harm and has done no harm, and anyone who suggests otherwise is weak, mean, untruthful and (insert your own adjective). In other words, anything that challenges their own view of the president is, by definition, wrong.

Follow the link for the complete article. It’s worth the three or four minutes it will take you to read it.


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