From Pine View Farm

Castles in the Sand (Updated) 0

Sunday, we went to the Neptune Festival to see the sand sculptures. It was well worth the effort.

In past years, in addition to the entrants in the sculpture contest, “unofficial” sculptures have lined the beach along the boardwalk, but unusual amount of rain we had in September kept them from appearing. The pictures taken below were all taken under the “big tent,” so I have had to tweak them a bit with the Gnu Image Manipulation Program; otherwise, they would look flat and dull.

I hope to post more as the week goes on. (Part Two. Part Three. Part Four. Part Five. Part Six.)

Click for a larger image.

Click for a larger image.

Click for a larger image.

Click for a larger image.

Click for a larger image.


On crossing Atlantic Avenue from the parking garage, we also observed how reckless and obnoxious electric scooter users can be on crowded sidewalks. Unlike the one in the Denver Post story linked above, none of the ones we saw were trying to get it right.


Good news.


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From Pine View Farm
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