From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics 0

Mark Zuckerberg recently announced efforts to clean up Facebook’s act.

The AP’s Frank Bajak urges us to take that announcement with several pounds of salt. He suggests that it’s Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes for a shifting strategy from the Zuckerborg for assimilating its victims users. Here’s a bit from his report:

. . . critics say the announcement obscures Facebook’s deeper motivations: To expand lucrative new commercial services, continue monopolizing the attention of users, develop new data sources to track people and frustrate regulators who might be eyeing a breakup of the social-media behemoth.

Facebook “wants to be the operating system of our lives,” said Siva Vaidhyanathan, director of media studies at the University of Virginia.


When have any of Facebook’s promises to stop misbehaving come to pass?

Mark Zuckerberg is the Eddie Haskell of Silicon Valley.


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