From Pine View Farm

No Automatic Registration (Updated)0

Automatic registration is disabled.

Since I opened it back up, I have gotten some questionable registrants, such as “stripteasewebcam” and “sexygirl.”

Even if those are names of legitimate users, which can be questioned, they are not acceptable for display with a comment here.

It’s my blog. I decide.

If someone wishes to register as a user, email me, including the desired user name in the email. I will attempt to respond within 24 hours, but cannot guarantee it. This is, after all, a hobby.

Update, 04/16/2010:

Frankly, being registered to read the blog won’t convey all that much in the way of special rights and privileges, since comments are open. Before I started using Akismet, I used an “answer this question” filter to prevent spam comments; registering meant you didn’t have to answer the question. Akismet works quietly in the background without annoying you with questions or CAPTCHAs; it just works.

Comments are closed.

From Pine View Farm
Privacy Policy

This website does not track you.

It contains no private information. It does not drop persistent cookies, does not collect data other than incoming ip addresses and page views (the internet is a public place), and certainly does not collect and sell your information to others.

Some sites that I link to may try to track you, but that's between you and them, not you and me.

I do collect statistics, but I use a simple stand-alone Wordpress plugin, not third-party services such as Google Analitics over which I have no control.

Finally, this is website is a hobby. It's a hobby in which I am deeply invested, about which I care deeply, and which has enabled me to learn a lot about computers and computing, but it is still ultimately an avocation, not a vocation; it is certainly not a money-making enterprise (unless you click the "Donate" button--go ahead, you can be the first!).

I appreciate your visiting this site, and I desire not to violate your trust.