From Pine View Farm

Dis Coarse Discourse 0

That some students are demonstrating in favor a cease fire in Gaza and against the killing there does not ipso facto mean that they support Hamas.

It means they want the bloodshed to end.

But, honest to Betsy, you sure as heck wouldn’t know it from a lot of the punditry about the protests.

I would like the killing to end, and I sure as heck don’t support Hamas; after all, they started (this round of) it.


The Rule of Flaw 0



Chaos Agents 0

Michael in Norfolk sums up the strategy:

. . . the GOP wants chaos that it can use to frighten its aging white/evangelical base and perhaps some swing voters to the extent they exist in today’s polarized political atmosphere.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


The Accounting 0

David counts the counts.


Medical Malpractitioners 0

Supreme Court justice says to pregnant woman,

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Interstate trafficking of politeness:

An occupant of one of the vehicles involved in the road rage incident on I-93 north fired a gunshot that wound up striking the Asplundh Electrical Testing truck on the southbound side of the highway. State police said that truck was not involved in the road rage incident.

The man who was driving the truck suffered an injury that state police described as “extremely minor,” and authorities said the man refused medical transport.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Stacey Woods offers some tips to avoid being taken in by scams on “social” media.

It’s required reading, because, as has been so often demonstrated, “social” media isn’t.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

LA Granderson has a question concerning the Speaker of the house:

The next time Speaker Mike Johnson stands in front of a microphone to talk about election integrity, I want you to remember this: Nearly a third of voters in Louisiana are Black, and yet Black voters had control over less than 20% of the state’s congressional districts. White voters make up less than 60% of the electorate yet had control over more than 80% of the power.


Johnson’s party has been working to suppress Black votes for decades, so what is he talking about when he trumpets “election integrity”?

Follow the link, where Granderson puts his question into context.



William Ralph Inge:

There are two kinds of fools: one says, “This is old, therefore it is good”; the other says, “This is new, therefore it is better.”


Suffer the Children 0


All the News that Fits 0

Dick Polman takes issue with the claims of Donald Trump’s lawyers that what the Nation Inquirer did for Donald Trump is somehow “normal journalism.” Here’s a tiny pit of his article:

The National Enquirer’s “sort of thing” – paying people off to kill stories, acting as a propaganda organ for one particular candidate in ways that would do Pravda proud, spending corporate money to aid that favored candidate (essentially free advertising) in violation of federal campaign finance laws – is not something that “happens regularly” in American journalism. If ever.

The entire piece is worth the few minutes it will take to read.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0’s Roy Johnson wonders why one thing is not like the other thing.


Devolution 0

Lemont:  Let me get this straight:  Someone cheated in her job interview at your advertising firm by having an AI answer your questions.  Susan: Correct.  Lemont:  And you hired her anyway?  Susan:  She did it shamelessly.  It showed she really had her finger on the pulse of modern America.  Lemont:  That's . . . I'm not sure how to argue with you.  Susan:  Ask and Ai to help you with that.

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

As we know, politeness takes practice.

Also, as we know, “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron.


The Voter Fraud Fraudster 0

Hoist on his own petard.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

They call themselves news hawks, but they are actually carrion crowers.



Bernard Baruch:

The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible.


A Tune for the Times 0


Real Big Men 0

How do you know they are real big men?

Well, they must be real big men. They have real big trucks.


Patriot Gamers 0

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier takes at look at the behavior of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, particularly as regards aid to Ukraine. He is not sanguine. Here’s a tiny bit from his article (emphasis added):

But for six months, while Ukraine fought and suffered day and night, we had minority rule right here in the arsenal of democracy, minority rule by a shabby cadre of wag-the-dog Republican nutbags who think statecraft is a video game where their character jockeys for position on Fox News to gain talking points.
