The Phony War on Christmas on Radio Times 0
The guest on Radio Times today went so far as to label Bill O’Reilly’s phony war on Christmas a fraud, as opposed to an honest, though mistaken, point of view.
Here’s the description:
One of the callers suggested that one reason the those rightwingers who are so worked about Christmas, evolution, and the like, are in such a state because they are suffering their own crisis of faith: that their anger, which is obviously real and deep, and their desire to have Christianity become a de facto, if not de jure Established Church, proceeds from their own fear that their faith may not be strong enough.
I don’t have a position on that, but it was certainly an interesting take on the issue.
The show is well worth a listen, if only to hear the question discussed in a civil and courteous manner.
(12/30/05–The link now points to the RealAudio archive of the show.)