From Pine View Farm

Adventures in Linux: Tipping CUPS (Geek Alert) 0

A little while ago, I wrote of my adventures getting Samba working across my network and mentioned that my next project was networking my webserver to the printer on my other Linux computer.

I use CUPS for Linux printing. It worked first-time, all the time on the local printer. But I just couldn’t seem to get CUPS on the webserver to connect with CUPS here.

I solved it today.

I had to correct edit my firewall configuration file (/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall), setting the proper condition to permit a connection. That took asking for help from the Slackware mailing list, since the firewall website seemed to have disappeared. One of the netizens there pointed me to the new website:

PERMIT=”[my subnet]/24″

Then I actually had an idea of my own, and looked inside the CUPS configuration file (/etc/cups/cupsd.conf) and found the following settings to allow or prevent external connections. By default, it was set to DENY ALL from the Big Wide World. I changed it as follows to allow my network in the door:

Encryption IfRequested
Satisfy All
Order deny,allow
Deny From All
Allow From [my subnet]

AuthType Basic
AuthClass System
Encryption IfRequested
Satisfy All
Order deny,allow
Deny From All
Allow From [my subnet]

Now I’m happily printing across the Linux portion of the network.


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