From Pine View Farm

US World Reputation 9

In the Bushes.



  1. Phillybits

    January 23, 2007 at 7:58 pm

    Lol. Cute play on words. I saw the graphic earlier today and am NOT surprised in the least.

    O/T, how are you two making out? How’s your job? Ready to enjoy the SOTU? Dreya and I have wine and beer and she made meatballs the other day so we’re gonna have pasta and meatballs for dinner tonight before watching the President filet himself.

    We need to work on getting together somehow, someway for lunch or dinner or something. I know we were discussing it pre-New Year’s and I just didn’t want you to think I had forgotten.

  2. Opie

    January 23, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    My befuzzlement continues over the liberal lust for high opinion ratings overseas. Heck, there’s nothing in this article that even says what 25 countries were polled!

    My challenge to any or every liberal reading this, and I am sincerely interested: can you name me a country whose approval you would not consider worth cultivating?

  3. Phillybits

    January 23, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    Point being Opie?

  4. Second Son

    January 24, 2007 at 1:18 pm

    A country whos approval I’m not interested in? One who’s actions over the past six years mirror the lack of morality and disrespect for justice to the same degree as those taken by ours.

    Now it’s your turn to name one.

  5. Opie

    January 24, 2007 at 4:58 pm

    And what country/countries would that be?

  6. Frank

    January 25, 2007 at 7:37 pm

    Name a country whose opinion I value? The one upon whose values this nation was founded: The United Kindom.

    Since it’s founding, the United States of America has been a light upon the hill for oppressed persons everywhere.

    Until now.

    The responsibility for that “until now” lies squarely upon those who lied us into a war.

    Not “mistaked us into a war.”

    Lied. Lied. Lied.

    Catholic theology states that, for an act to be a sin, two elements are required: The actor must know that the action is wrong and must intend to do a wrong action.

    Lied. Lied. Lied.

    The War in Iraq is a sin. And the blood of that sin be on those who perpetrated that act.

    Not on those who in good faith believed the lies.

  7. Opie

    January 25, 2007 at 8:25 pm

    No, I asked for any liberal to name a country whose opinion they DON’T value. (Just as starter for me to get some insight into these matters.)

  8. SecondSon

    January 26, 2007 at 2:59 am

    Well, you were answered, if indirectly. I confess, I know too little of international politics to pick countries from a hat, but I do know what’d be required of one for me not to care about its opinion.

    That’s just as good, right?

  9. Opie

    January 26, 2007 at 8:03 am

    Well it’s certainly the best answer I’ve had so far. But does it give me any more insight into how liberals decide which countries they are out to please?