From Pine View Farm

Tagged 6

I don’t think so, unless you start to sound like a Philadephian via Virginia and Delaware. And I never ever have said, “youse.”

Any Philadelphians who know me care to comment?

What American accent do you have?

Your Result: Philadelphia

Your accent is as Philadelphian as a cheesesteak! If you’re not from Philadelphia, then you’re from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you’ve ever journeyed to some far off place where people don’t know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn’t have a clue what accent it was they heard.

The South
The Midland
The Northeast
The Inland North
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Your turn.

Via Phillybits.



  1. Karen

    February 8, 2007 at 8:40 pm

    I saw this & thought about it, but then figured, why?? I know what accent I have. North, raised in Texas. I’ve been told I sound like I was raised in Georgia, Alabama, & 1 poor man thought I was from Ireland. Actually, Opie can tell you. He hears it frequently.

  2. Phillybits

    February 8, 2007 at 8:45 pm

    Yeah, you’re Philadelphia. Definitely.

  3. Opie

    February 8, 2007 at 10:30 pm

    Well Karen, when I was talking to Chris on the phone a couple of weeks ago, and you were processing some of Chris’ paperwork, and I heard you yell “YOU IDIOT!” in the background, there was no discernable accent.

  4. Frank

    February 11, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    I am not going to get in between a marital issue. I’ve had enough of my own (thank god for lawyers!).

    The wife of one of my colleaques is a paralegal. Her boss says that the problem with being a lawyer is that 99% of them make the other 2% look bad.

    Phillybits, I know where this came from, and touche.

  5. Karen

    February 12, 2007 at 9:29 am

    Nah, no marital issue here. After almost 28 years of marriage, that’s nothing. If we were doing paperwork, that’s mild. His ideas & mine sometimes differ about how it should be done.

  6. Karen

    February 13, 2007 at 9:07 am

    What American accent do you have?
    Your Result: The Inland North

    I had to try it.