From Pine View Farm

Microsoft Goes to the French 2

Jesus General would be beside himself:

Much to the delight of Francophiles everywhere, Microsoft’s Office 2007 switches Outlook Express spell-checkers to work only in French. Those disposed to communicate in other languages are being advised to use third-party programs.



  1. Opie

    March 3, 2007 at 9:31 pm

    This is no accident. The only people who care about proper spelling anymore are the French. At least those French who aren’t busy stamping out free speech and patrolling the streets looking for little Muslim girls wearing scarves.

  2. Frank

    March 3, 2007 at 9:46 pm

    You’ve never watched me edit a document, have you?

    All seriousness aside, the French freedom of religion police have kindred here. Remember Dover.