From Pine View Farm

Public Service, Goodfellas Dept. (Updated) (Updated Again) 3

So Mr. Libby has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years soft labor (emphasis added):

Defense attorneys countered that Libby deserved probation. Theodore V. Wells Jr., the lead defense attorney, implored Walton to “take into account his entire life and his service to the country.” Wells argued that “it is entirely appropriate for a sentencing judge to take into consideration the good works and the good deeds that a person has done. . . . To take into consideration such personal public service, community service, is not in any way to give someone a break because of his or her status.”

Let us look critically at the Republican concept of good works and good deeds:

Lie to the court and to the authorities; violate the principles of truth, justice, and the American way; be complicit in efforts that ended the career of a competent public servant; and, very likely, cover up your boss’s roll in the whole thing.

Yeah, that’s good works and good deeds.

Bush style.

Addendum, Later that Same Evening:


Addendum, 6/6/2007




  1. Karen

    June 5, 2007 at 7:56 pm

    I will mail you $50.00 if GB doesn’t pardon him, as one of his last acts.

  2. Frank

    June 9, 2007 at 8:44 pm

    If GB pardons him, I will email you my mailing address. Hell, I’ll email it to you anyway. I’m listed.

  3. Karen

    June 9, 2007 at 9:21 pm

    We have a way to go, but I’ll keep it, just in case I need it. Don’t think I will, though.