Viet Niraq 0
A lot was written last week while I was on the road about the Current Federal Administrator’s comparison of Viet Nam with Iraq.
The best I read was Trudy Rubin’s column in Sunday’s local rag.
But it is impossible to prove and highly dubious. And it goes to the heart of Bush’s problem: He has yet to give a coherent argument for how we can stabilize Iraq by staying on.
The Vietnam analogy highlights this problem in ways I doubt Bush intended. Late in the day in South Vietnam, the U.S. military began to implement a counterinsurgency strategy that was having some success. But a weak South Vietnamese government was unable to capitalize on the gains.
Will Bunch sums up the analogy here. His post can’t really be summarized. Please just go look at it. And deja vu to you.
And the best thing I heard was here. Listen to segment one.
Iraq is indeed like Viet Nam: a quagmire fathered by deceit, born of lies, and reared in venality.