From Pine View Farm

The Candidates Debate 0

Please pass the whoopers. From Fact Check dot org:

Another debate, another round of fact-checking. The GOP meeting in South Carolina was the third for Republican candidates in a week, but they haven’t run out of exaggerations or misstatements:

  • Romney claimed Massachusetts gained jobs “every single month” he was governor after hitting a low point. In fact the job gains seesawed, with seven of 36 months producing job losses.
  • Huckabee escalated his misleading claims about cutting taxes, saying he cut taxes for the first time in the history of the state of Arkansas, which is untrue. Others put through tax cuts before he did. Overall, Huckabee raised taxes.
  • Romney falsely claimed to have been endorsed by the Massachusetts Right to Life Association. Actually, he was endorsed by a single chapter of a different group.
  • Thompson, accusing Huckabee of Democratic tendencies, said he’d been endorsed by the National Education Association. But he was actually endorsed only by the New Hampshire chapter of that nationwide teacher’s organization.
  • Huckabee claimed that highways in Arkansas had gone from the “worst road system in the country” to the “most improved” in the ratings of a trucking magazine. He failed to mention that despite the improvement they remained fourth from the bottom on the “worst” list.
  • Giuliani asserted that cutting the corporate tax rate “will get more revenues.” Unlike his earlier supply-side claims, he can point this time to an economic study suggesting that he might be right, but it’s not a certainty.


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