From Pine View Farm

Let a Thousand Swift Boats Sail 1

The Republican smear machine cranks up:

Those still wondering if the GOP would again use gays and gay marriage as their signature issue need not spend another moment contemplating the question. After watching the video, it should be abundantly clear that race will be the crown jewel in the GOP’s armada. Should Obama be the Democratic nominee, I expect the meme to mimic a GOP favorite used to assail gays…the militant homosexual agenda.

In Obama’s case, this effective meme will be modified to portray him as secretly promoting “the militant black agenda”…one that denigrates patriotism and seeks to install a Marxist inspired version of socialism. Take a moment to do a Google search with the term “Obama Socialist Marxist agenda”. If that doesn’t convince you, Google “Obama Marxist Posters” and you’ll note the efforts to connect Obama to Che Guevara.

Of course, the reason they resort to these tactics is that the truth about them–phony wars, crippling budget deficits, selling out the nation to benefit the rich, corruption that would make Harding blush–loses votes.


1 comment

  1. Opie

    March 20, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    Frank, that’s just disingenuous. The racism in this campaign started with the Democrats and is being continued by them. To excuse that while predicting some Republican racist campaign before it even starts is just a double standard.