From Pine View Farm

A Farewell 0

Several years ago, our dog Beau, a black lab, died.

He lay down on the back porch and didn’t move for days. When we took him to the vet, he didn’t make it.

Animals, unlike most people, know when their time has come. Also unlike people, they know that death is not an unnatural occurrence.

One of the most power lines I have ever read was in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes. Now, Burroughs was pretty much the pre-eminent hack writer of his time. I have read most of his stuff. It’s about as profound as a hotdog, and, frankly, just as much fun to read as a hotdog is to eat at a summer barbecue.

But in that one book, he wrote this line: “Tarzan considered death to be something to avoided, but not feared.”

We could all be guided by that.

Why all this drivel?

In today’s local rag, Lisa Scottolini wrote of the death of her dog.


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